OAG Digital Library

Our online Bible Study library

This is an archive of our Sunday Evening Bible Studies, started at the beginning of the quarantine of 2020, plus a few bonus features and videos. Each regular study is between 15 & 25 minutes long, and features some in-depth looks at many Biblical topics, as well as book walkthroughs. The archive below is in Chronological order, beginning with the most recent.

Some are stand-alone studies, and some are in series.

Use the drop down boxes below to filter by speaker and date, or click the button below the drop-downs for a listing of featured Bible Study series.

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**TIP - Don’t hit enter. Just type the keyword and it will automatically search as you type. Be patient, sometimes it takes a moment, as there are now a lot of studies here.

Pastor Daniel Hahn Daniel Hahn Pastor Daniel Hahn Daniel Hahn

You Gotta Want It

What sets super-star athletes, actors, or other successful people apart? They wanted something so much that they would do anything and make any sacrifice necessary to have it. There's a lot of Christians that are just bench-warmers, but only a few super-stars. Do you really want eternal life?

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Pastor Amanda Hahn Daniel Hahn Pastor Amanda Hahn Daniel Hahn

The Importance of Family

You were born into the family that God wanted you to be a part of. God has also placed you in a church family. We all need help to make sure we know how to get along and have a healthy family, whether it's our biological family or our church family!

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Pastor Scott Anderson Daniel Hahn Pastor Scott Anderson Daniel Hahn

Just Breathe

Sometimes, life and our circumstances can leave us feeling overwhelmed, under qualified, and emotionally spent! Have you ever been there? Sometimes, we need to take a step back and stop focusing on the problems around us and focus on the One that gives us the air in our lungs. Then we'll realize that the same God that is faithful to give us our next breath is faithful to see us through!

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Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn

Study of Isaiah, Part 6

When God called Isaiah to ministry, Isaiah was more than ready to step up. Can you imagine his dismay when God told him he would prophecy and most would not head his words? In other words, he was called to a ministry of failure. We must understand that we are required to be faithful, not necessarily successful. We must remind ourselves that some people plant and some water, but it is God that gives the increase. We must remain faithful.

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Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn

Study of Isaiah, Part 4

I love the phrase: “But God”! Almost every time used in Scripture, it proceeds an awesome promise or statement. Yet as much as I like that phrase, there is another phrase that I don’t like as well. That phrase is “but if”, and it generally is an introduction to what will happen if we do or don’t do certain things. Isaiah issues a challenge. “come let us reason together” is another way of saying “let’s discuss it.”

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