Women’s Ministries
Ladies’ Fellowship Meetings:
The OAG Women’s Ministries meet on the 2nd Thursday of every month (usually at 6pm, but sometimes at different times) in the Heart Rock Café.
All ladies are invited to join us for Fellowship, Fun, Food and the Word as we meet together to encourage one another and minister to the church, our local community, and around the world with our Missions Projects.
The purpose of Women's Ministries (WMs) is two-fold:
1. To provide support to the church in a variety of areas as we are able. For instance, support could include, but not be limited to:
Fund raising events such as cake auctions, chili bakeoffs, pancake suppers, etc.
Donating money, food or gifts to special needs / events.
Volunteering time to other church ministries when needed.
Offering ideas to develop new interests or improve on existing ones.
The above activities support the church in a number of areas:
Missions - local, national and international within the AG family.
District ministries which include monthly tithes and offerings from WM's treasury for Headquarters approved activities such as those related to education.
The Benevolence Project which funds two Latin American children and helps with girls' projects with the Assemblies of God.
Children's Ministries (Girls' Ministries, BGMC and others) when requested by Pastor or other leaders.
2. To provide opportunities for fellowship with other church women through fun activities such as craft fairs, special events, dining out, picnics, etc.
Be sure to visit the Oxford Assembly of God Facebook page for pictures of all our events, as well as for news, updates, and other connections.