OAG Digital Library
Our online Bible Study library
This is an archive of our Sunday Evening Bible Studies, started at the beginning of the quarantine of 2020, plus a few bonus features and videos. Each regular study is between 15 & 25 minutes long, and features some in-depth looks at many Biblical topics, as well as book walkthroughs. The archive below is in Chronological order, beginning with the most recent.
Some are stand-alone studies, and some are in series.
Use the drop down boxes below to filter by speaker and date, or click the button below the drop-downs for a listing of featured Bible Study series.
- Allen Best 1
- Barbara Findley 1
- Bill Walsh 1
- Billy Rhoads 2
- Brad Lippincott 7
- Brian Henningsen 1
- Chaplain Lou Parker 24
- Dave Jenkins 1
- Gator Fort 1
- Glenda Henningsen 1
- Guest Speaker 2
- Interview 1
- Irene Walsh 1
- Jeannie Davis 1
- Johnnie Powell 1
- Jon Rowell 1
- Kati Anderson 1
- Lee Terry 1
- Linda Abner 1
- Marty McKenna 1
- Matthew Miller 1
- Missionary Nick Krake 1
- Mitzi Terry 1
- Nick Jones 1
- Pastor Adam Goodrich 3
- Pastor Amanda Hahn 6
- Pastor Craig Mustain 1
- Pastor Daniel Hahn 5
- Pastor Derrel Strickland 181
- Pastor Jeff Booth 8
- Pastor Scott Anderson 6
- Renee Mathews 1
- Sherron Miller 1
- Skylar Phillips 1
- January 2025 4
- December 2024 5
- November 2024 4
- October 2024 7
- September 2024 7
- August 2024 4
- July 2024 4
- June 2024 5
- May 2024 4
- April 2024 4
- March 2024 5
- February 2024 4
- January 2024 4
- December 2023 4
- November 2023 4
- October 2023 5
- September 2023 4
- August 2023 4
- July 2023 5
- June 2023 8
- May 2023 5
- April 2023 9
- March 2023 7
- February 2023 6
- January 2023 8
- December 2022 4
- November 2022 4
- October 2022 5
- September 2022 4
- August 2022 4
- July 2022 5
- June 2022 4
- May 2022 5
- April 2022 4
- March 2022 4
- February 2022 4
- January 2022 5
- December 2021 4
- November 2021 4
- October 2021 5
- September 2021 4
- August 2021 5
- July 2021 4
- June 2021 4
- May 2021 5
- April 2021 4
- March 2021 4
- February 2021 4
- January 2021 5
- December 2020 4
- November 2020 5
- October 2020 4
- September 2020 3
- August 2020 5
- July 2020 3
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**TIP - Don’t hit enter. Just type the keyword and it will automatically search as you type. Be patient, sometimes it takes a moment, as there are now a lot of studies here.
Until I Return: Occupy
As we wait for Christ's return, we are actively engaged in advancing His Kingdom on the earth.
Moving Rocks
In the Kingdom, God assigns responsibilities and assignments for His purpose, but also for our spiritual development and maturity.
Praise - The Power To Elevate
Choosing to focus our attention on an all-powerful God through praise lifts oppression and burdens and builds our faith that God will turn our situation around for our good and for His glory.
Study of Joshua, Part 16
After entering into the promised land, Caleb reminded Joshua that Moses had promised him his mountain. Now it was time to claim it. Even though he knew that with that land there would be giants to face, Caleb said, “ Give Me My Mountain!”
Study of Joshua, Part 15
After Joshua and the nation of Israel had entered into the promised land, they enjoyed many victories, and God had to remind them that there are many victories, but the task is unfinished. There is much more to do. You can't stop here.
Study of Joshua, Part 14
One of the greatest testimonies in the entire Bible is just part of one verse: Moses left nothing undone. What a testimony! How can we live in such a way as to leave nothing undone?
Study of Joshua, Part 13
The world is full of deception, a trait of the Devil. He is a liar, a thief, and a great deceiver. He deceived Eve, and his influence continues today. We must remain vigilant against deception, as it often comes with a very high cost
Study of Joshua, Part 12
A covenant is between God and man, while a contract is between man and man. Although they are similar, they are not the same. Man often breaks a contract, but God cannot and will not break His covenant. Let us examine what Joshua did to renew the broken covenant between Israel and God.
Study of Joshua, Part 11
After a great victory at Jericho, Israel suffered a great defeat at Ai. They failed! Everyone one of us has failed. Sometimes that failure is totally on us: we did not seek guidance or we did not act in faith. We were disobedient, or something beyond our control happened. Failure does not need to be fatal nor final. We can recover from failure.
Study of Joshua, Part 10
After a great victory at Jericho it would seem Israel was on the right track, but disobedience led to a terrible defeat. What is the cost of being unfaithful? Let's look and see.
Study of Joshua, Part 9
Let me ask you a question: during the battle for the city of Jericho what was more significant--the citizens of Jericho being locked-in or the nation of Israel being locked-out? Fear had immobilized the city of Jericho. They were stronger and walled-in, but fear controlled them. Don't allow your fears to lock you in.
Study of Joshua, Part 8
After over 40 years, Israel finally entered into Canaan. They were finally home. They were in the promised land. Yet their journey was not over; they had simply entered into a new season. Life is full of seasons: some short, some long. In every case we go into the next season having faith in the past, hope for the future, and love for the present.
The Bible Basics
Despite the prevalence of Bibles in US households, many Americans fail to engage with its life-changing message. May we prioritize reading and applying God's Word, recognizing it as a love letter from God that equips us for a life of purpose and service.
Before You Know Me: Jon Rowell
In this series, we will hear various people in our church family share a little of their story. In today's video, we hear from Jon Rowell.
Study of Joshua, Part 7
When Joshua led the nation of Israel across the Jordan River, several things were accomplished: It validated Joshua as a suitable replacement for Moses, and it got the nation of Israel into the promised land. And it all started with a step of faith.
Before You Know Me: Billy Rhoads, Part 2
In this series, we will hear various people in our church family share a little of their story. In today's video, we hear from Billy Rhoads, retired Pastor and church volunteer. This is Part 2 of his story.
Study of Joshua, Part 6
This message from Pastor Derrel Strickland, part of our journey through the Book of Joshua, brings us to an intriguing story about Rahab and the significance of the red thread. Rahab, a woman of faith, helped the Israelite spies and marked her window with a scarlet cord—a symbol of her faith and a promise of safety. Pastor Derrel emphasized that the red thread symbolizes the sacrifice and salvation offered through Jesus, showing how faith in Him liberates us from sin. The story of Rahab encourages us all to hold onto our faith and trust in the red thread of Christ's sacrifice, which spans from Genesis through Revelation. The core takeaway is that, like Rahab, we must immediately act on our faith and trust in God's promises.
Study of Joshua, Part 5
The twelve men that spied out Canaan all saw the same thing, but two had a different perspective. Those that lived in Canaan saw the same thing but they too had a different perspective. Are you seeing through eyes of faith or eyes of fear? The eyes you see through determine what you see.