OAG Media
Sermons, Podcasts, Etc.
This page contains the various types of media that our church produces. Feel free to browse. Use the navigation bar at the top to jump to a section.

Previous Services
Most Recent Sunday Messages
Sunday Message Archives
We have been collecting our Sunday messages for more than a decade now! Although in the early years we weren’t very consistent, since around 2014 or so, every Sunday morning service (with very few exceptions) can be found at our Sermon Archives.
Until the quarantine of 2020, we were only posting our sermon videos to our website after they had been edited. The quarantine forced us to begin live-streaming our Sunday morning services. So at some point, we began including the entire service in our archives with chapter markers so you can jump to the part of the service you would like to see.

OAG Digital Library
The OAG Digital Library is an archive of our Sunday Evening Bible Studies, started at the beginning of the quarantine of 2020. There are also several other bonus videos, such as our Wednesday evening series that started in January, 2023, of people in our church sharing their own stories of faith. Most videos are between 15 & 25 minutes long (with some exceptions), and feature some in-depth looks at many Biblical topics, as well as book walkthroughs.
A few recent studies
Featured Series
Some of the Bible Studies that have been presented are a part of a series. We have put these together into a Featured Series collection that are great for group or personal Bible Studies and include discussion questions to go with each session.

More than just Sunday messages
The OAG Podcast is one of the best ways to hear content from OAG. It features each Sunday’s sermon, as well as other content from around OAG, including the “The Whatsoever Things” Show, as well as teachings from our long-time Sunday School teacher, Mrs. Jeanie.
Don’t know what a podcast is? Here’s a great article that helps you to understand what a podcast is, and here is one that will help you understand how to listen to a podcast.
You can subscribe to the OAG Podcast to get the OAG Podcast downloaded straight into your Podcast player. Or you can listen to them right now using the player below.