Just Breathe

📜 Title: Just Breathe

🗣️ By: Pastor Scott Anderson

📝 Message Description: Sometimes, life and our circumstances can leave us feeling overwhelmed, under qualified, and emotionally spent! Have you ever been there? Sometimes, we need to take a step back and stop focusing on the problems around us and focus on the One that gives us the air in our lungs. Then we'll realize that the same God that is faithful to give us our next breath is faithful to see us through!

Discussion Questions:

1️⃣ In this season, what is causing you the most stress? Do you feel like you have given God control over that situation?

2️⃣ How long has it been since you soaked in God's presence? If it's been awhile, let's fix that tonight.

4️⃣ How do you feel about being dependent on God? Do you tend to be more of an independent

📖 Scriptures: Genesis 2:4-7, Ezekiel 37:1-10, Ezekiel 37:10, Matthew 26:36-46, 2 Corinthians 12:9-11, Matthew 6:9-11, Isaiah 40:28-31


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