Study of Isaiah, Part 3

📜 Title: Study of Isaiah, Part 3

🗣️ By: Pastor Derrel Strickland

📝 Message Description: Isaiah prophesied over 700 before Christ. He told Israel that God's hand was poised to strike. They totally ignored his warnings. God is still warning us today, and we can either ignore it or respond to his leading.

Discussion Questions:

1️⃣ What is your response to someone who says God is a God of love and he will not allow someone to go to hell?

2️⃣ If God's fist is poised to strike, what do you think the church should be doing?

3️⃣ Share with us your thoughts of hellfire and brimstone preaching.

📖 Scriptures: Isaiah 5:18-25, 2 Peter 3:1-7


Study of Isaiah, Part 4


Study of Isaiah, Part 2