OAG Missions
Taking the Good News to the world!
OAG Missions and Missions Opportunities
“Missions” is taking the good news of Jesus to the world!
At OAG, we believe the missio Dei, the "mission of God", is the advancement of the Kingdom through the preaching of the Gospel, the testimony of Jesus to the entire inhabited earth. If we search the Scriptures, from beginning to end, from Genesis to Revelation, we will find evidence in each and every book of the missio Dei. And, therefore, the nature of our movement, the nature of Christianity, is missions.
We also believe that missions is a team effort. It is next to impossible to go on to the mission field without support from the home constituency. King David recognized this truth regarding the service of those unable to participate in a frontline battle in 1 Samuel 30. Missionaries rely on the support of multitudes of men and women service in the support offices who contribute to publications, media, administration, fundraising, preparing and editing of books, and many other tasks. What makes everything possible, however, are the multitudes who are committed to prayer, financial giving, and the care of the missionary’s family at home. These people provide the spiritual, moral, and financial foundation without which missions could not exist.
This is why we have so many projects dedicated to missions. Missions trips, fundraisers, and other projects are always going on. There is so much work to do, and we must work while it is day, for the night is close at hand when it will be too late.
This page is a list of our missions projects. Here you can sign-up for email updates, participate in fundraisers and missions trips, and even give towards the projects.
Supported Missionaries
OAG supports 129 Missionaries and 26 Missions Organizations for a total of $10,712 on a monthly basis. And none of these numbers include the individual departmental missions projects you'll find listed below. So when we say we are serious about missions, we are serious, and we put our money where our beliefs are.
The OMEGA Missions Team (see below), headed by Jerry Driggers, is the missions team from within OAG that focuses on construction and clean-up projects here in the US and all over the world. There are several sites that we frequent, but we’ve been to nearly every continent in the past 10 years.
2020 and the COVID-19 Pandemic
We had many plans for 2020 & 2021. Projects, trips, fundraisers, etc. Well…the quarantine of 2020 caused us to put most of our missions trips for 2020-2021 on hold. At the time of this writing (November 2022), the quarantine has pretty much lifted here in Florida, and missions projects are back on the calendar. The OMEGA missions team just returned from a missions trip to Cuba in October 2022, and our teens went to Miami for a missions trip back in the summer of 2022.
Missions Trips
OMEGA Missions Team
The OMEGA Missions team was formed by our very own Missionary Associate Jerry Driggers. Jerry takes teams all over the world to do missions trips of various sorts. Their primary purpose is construction and maintenance projects, but they also spend time doing hands on ministry projects as well.
OMEGA Missions Team Trips
Cuba (October) to build churches and bring food and supplies to the local congregation
Several trips were planned, but the quarantine of 2020 forced their cancellation.
4 trips to Cuba to build churches
4 trips to Teen Challenge in Dublin, GA to work on construction projects around the campus and minister to the men there
Several trips to Dothan, AL
Several trips to Lithuania
Several trips to Browning Montana
Several trips to Cuba
There are many opportunities to be a part of the OMEGA Missions Team, and the more interest we have, the more trips and outreaches that can be planned.
A few Pictures of our OMEGA Missions Team

Other Missions Trips/Events
Vacation Bible School: ANNUALLY IN THE SUMMER
The most recent VBS theme was in June, 2024, with the Theme of “Jerusalem Marketplace”, a faith-based Summer event for all kids Pre-K through the 6th grade. Some of the special features included:
Archaeology fun
Popcorn & cotton candy
Music and worship
Fun Bible lessons
Games and prizes
Marketplace cafe
And more fun!
And every night included lots of giveaways, music, games, a Bible story, skits, and all kinds of fun with our Ignited Kids Team.
Miami Mission: Annually in the Summer
The Miami Mission is a week-long missions trip for teenagers during the summer. Pastor Amanda and her team join other students from around our district in Miami. The ministry activities on this trip included:
Children's Carnivals, including games, water balloons, face-painting, music, Bible lesson, etc.
Street ministry with spectacle evangelism, including dancing, clowns, dramas, games, etc.
Service projects, including local park/school/neighborhood cleanup, soup kitchens, outreach centers, etc.
Our own Pastor Amanda will be heading up the entire trip for all of the groups.
A few pictures of our missions trips and children’s outreaches

Learn More or Get Involved
Want to learn more about our missions programs, projects, and trips? Or are you ready to get involved? Fill out the form below to contact our office and we will get in touch with you about getting involved.
Keep in mind that you’re not committing to anything by filling out this form. This is just to connect you with the right people and get your questions answered. 😊

Department Missions Programs
BGMC is Ignited Kids missions project for kids that instills a heart of compassion to reach the lost through praying, giving, and going. All funds raised through BGMC go to meet critical needs around the world such as feeding programs, water wells, Bible schools, curriculum, and whatever else a missionary needs in their part of the world.
The Girls' Ministries and Royal Rangers each have missions programs as well that go towards BGMC Projects.
STL is the missions project of Amplify Student Ministries at OAG. STL is the student-initiated, volunteer, charitable program that provides much-needed equipment to missionaries across the nation and in over 180 countries around the world.
The concept is simple: we give so others can speed the light of the gospel to a world in darkness. This is accomplished by providing the "essential transportation and creative communication" equipment for missionary evangelism. Through modern transportation, radio, television, print, audio, and digital equipment, our missionaries can help make Jesus known.
Touch the World
Touch the World is the missions endeavor for the national Assemblies of God Women’s Ministries. The Touch the World offerings provide funds for household goods for our Peninsular Florida missionaries. This includes everything from helping them with funds for household appliances to linens and more. Additionally, missionaries in certain countries receive personalized medical kits containing medications, ointments, disposable supplies, equipment, and a library of field health manuals. Missionary medical kits and some medical services – including a 24-hour on call emergency service – are provided through offerings to Touch the World.
In addition to the above, our church's Women's Ministries Missions projects includes support for 2 lady missionaries and 2 Child Hope children.
Light For the Lost
Light for the Lost (LFTL) is the missions endeavor for the national Assemblies of God Men’s Ministries. LFTL serves to “empower the church to provide God’s Word for every person on the planet.” Providing a variety of resources such as audio, visual, and printed materials, LFTL has one guiding principle: all Light For The Lost assistance must be to provide resources directly related to evangelism.
As part of Celebrate the Light, the Section 4 churches (our church is in Section 4 of the Pen Florida District Assemblies of God, about a 3 county area) annually host a Celebrate the Light banquet. This banquet is an opportunity to connect the congregation with the mission of LFTL and allow each person to prayerfully stand with those who are in the harvest fields and give of their resources to equip missionaries with evangelism materials to reach the lost. What better way to celebrate Him than by partnering with missionaries and providing them the means to tell others about Him?

Give To Missions
It's easy to give to missions at OAG! Just click the button below to head over to EasyTithe, our online giving platform to give.