OAG Kids
There’s a place here for every kid!
Welcome to OAG Kids!
It’s safe, and your kids will love it!
Have kids? No worries, we’ve got your covered. OAG offers programs for kids from the cradle all the way through 6th grade.
OAG puts a special priority on ministering to children. We believe it is a Biblical mandate to teach children the Word of God so that they will hold it in their hearts for their entire life (Psalm 119:11). When it comes to children’s ministry, we know that kids thrive when they are given age-specific programs that are both fun and educational. OAG is a safe and fun place where kids love to come, week after week, and learn about Jesus and God’s amazing plan for their life.
We have several different programs for infants and children, depending on the day, age, and gender. There is always a nursery available during our regular Sunday and Wednesday evening services.
OAG offers a nursery during the Sunday Morning, Sunday Evening, and Wednesday Evening services. But if you would prefer to stay with your child, feel free to use any of the seating in the lobby of the Main Sanctuary. There are TV's with a live view of the service so you won't miss anything. And we promise, we won't judge you for staying in the lobby with your kids to view the service. We also have a Cry Room/Nursing Mother's Room that is available for mothers and fathers with infants. This room is reserved exclusively for parents with infants to enjoy the service in a more private and quiet environment.
OAG Kids Ministries Overview
Below, you’ll find the details on each of the ministries for your children, depending on the day and time you come, as well as their age and gender.
Ignited Kids
For: Kids potty-trained to grade 6
When: Sundays @ 8am & 10am
Sunday School
For: Kids potty-trained to grade 12
When: Sundays @ 9am
Girls Ministries
For: Girls potty-trained to grade 12
When: Wednesdays @ 7pm
Royal Rangers
For: Boys potty-trained to grade 12
When: Wednesdays @7pm
For: Kids in grades K-5
When: Wednesdays, seasonal

Ignited Kids
Sundays @ 8am and 10am
Ignited Kid’s Ministries brings the message of Jesus Christ to the children in our community in a way that is both fun and relatable, from puppets, illusions, and skits to songs and more. We would love to see you and your family visit Ignited Kids!
Ignited Kids is a special Kid's Church for children potty-trained through 6th grades. During the Bible Lesson, the kids are split into two groups by age. There is also a nursery for infants and toddlers.
Head over to our "Meet the Team" page to see a list of our staff and pastors, including our Children's Pastor, Sheena Cullen.
Pastor Sheena, covered in slime, after a missions fundraiser goal was reached.
Before Service: You can check-in your child at the Ignited Kids check-in desk, located just inside the doors of the Children’s Building (see above for instructions on how to get here). The Ignited Kids volunteer will help you sign your child in (or take your information if it's your first time), and your child will be given a name tag. Unless you pick them up early, they will stay in this area for the entire service time.
After Service: After the service is complete, you will return to the Ignited Kids area to pick up your children. A volunteer will be nearby to assist you if you have any questions.
During Service: In the event that we need to contact you during the service, we will send a volunteer to find you. We ask that you exit the auditorium immediately and follow the volunteer to the Ignited Kids area.
If you need directions or get lost, head over the the MAPS page for a breakdown of campus maps and locations.
Here's what to expect when visiting Ignited Kids for the first time:
First, when you enter the Main Auditorium, head to the rear of the building or follow the signs toward the Ignited Kids area. It's actually a separate building situated right behind the main building. Feel free to stop by the Welcome Center in the Main Auditorium lobby for help, directions, or to have someone lead the way for you.
Upon checking in for the first time, we will ask for the following personal information (NOTE: We value your privacy and will not share this information with anyone):
Parent/guardian name(s)
Child's name
Child's birthdate
Home address
Phone number
Any special instructions (allergies, special needs) for your children

Sunday School
Sundays @ 9am
Sunday School is great place for children (we have classes for adults too) to learn the Word of God. This program is a little-bit more laid back with the purpose of really learning what is in the Bible. The Sunday School classes are divided by grade level. Sunday School takes place at 9am on Sunday mornings between the two regular worship services.
The check-in process works similar to the Sunday Morning Ignited Kids program above.
If you need directions or get lost, head over the the MAPS page for a breakdown of campus maps and locations.

Girls Ministries
Wednesdays @ 7pm
As a part of the Girl’s Ministries, we have all groups from Rainbows to Girls Only (preschool to high school). Our classes, which meet on Wednesdays at 7pm, revolve around helping our young ladies learn about God, life, and many areas of growing into a “Woman Of God”. Activities throughout the year include: camping, the national sleep over, as well as our annual ladies tea party. Our girls also participate in Coin For Kids, which is the missionary project the girls ministries supports. Our ladies hold a Men’s Talent Show to help raise funds for missions.
As you can see, they are very active and dedicated to learning about Jesus, as well as helping others around the world.
You can check-in your child at the Ignited Kids check-in desk, located just inside the doors of the Children’s Building.
If you need directions or get lost, head over the the MAPS page for a breakdown of campus maps and locations.

Royal Rangers
Wednesdays @ 7pm
The Royal Rangers includes groups of boys from Rainbows to Expedition Rangers. Our classes, which meet on Wednesdays at 7pm, are designed to teach young men Godly guidance throughout their growing years. We encourage these boys to reach beyond their expectations by participating in activities in and outside of our own church family. Those activities include Sectional Round-Up and District Pow Wow, which gives the boys the opportunity to gain a closer relationship with God. Other activities include proper technique and safety training in outdoor skills and building items, such as cars for our annual Pinewood Derby, where the boys get an opportunity to race. We are always scouting for new Rangers.
You can check-in your child at the Ignited Kids check-in desk, located just inside the doors of the Children’s Building.
If you need directions or get lost, head over the the MAPS page for a breakdown of campus maps and locations.

W.O.C. (Winning Our Community)
Wednesdays @ 3pm (Seasonal)
WOC is an after-school program provided by our Children’s Ministry on most Wednesday evenings in the spring and in the fall to assist children in the community mentally, socially, and academically. There is no cost to attend this ministry.
Most WOC sessions go for around 8-12 weeks in the fall and in the spring. Our WOC ministry calendar revolves around the school calendar, so the dates tend to be a bit fluid. Through the relationships we have built with the local school system, we are able to pick up registered children directly from Wildwood Elementary School.
We believe that WOC is one of the most important ministries we have here at OAG. It tends to be one of the most stressful because of the number of children and the number of adults it takes to pull it off. But we have seen some amazing things that God has done through this ministry.