Amplify Sermon Summaries

This blog is a recap of the weekly Youth Sermons, both Middle School and High School. It is primarily a resource for parents, though it is useful for anyone.

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Middle School Amanda Hahn Middle School Amanda Hahn

Worship Then & Now

The sermon emphasized how worship has changed over time—from the Old Testament temple sacrifices to the freedom we now have to worship anywhere because of Jesus—reminding students that worship is a lifestyle, not just a church activity, and challenging them to practice worship in their daily lives.

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High School Amanda Hahn High School Amanda Hahn

The Journey From A Fan to A Follower

Pastor Amanda’s message emphasized the transformation from being a mere admirer (fan) of Christ to becoming a fully committed follower, marked by allowing God's Word to dwell in us, living a lifestyle of worship, and ensuring that every action reflects Christ's love to the world.

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