Amplify Sermon Summaries
This blog is a recap of the weekly Youth Sermons, both Middle School and High School. It is primarily a resource for parents, though it is useful for anyone.
Campus Missionary: Give
Giving is essential in the Christian faith, reflecting God's nature, rooted in love, and supporting God's work and purposes.
Campus Missionary: Pray
The message emphasizes the importance of prayer and service as foundational disciplines for spiritual growth, effective influence, and collaboration in school campus ministries.
Campus Missionary: Serve
Pastor Amanda's sermon emphasized the importance of learning from the Book of Acts and becoming campus missionaries, focusing on serving others with the guidance and boldness provided by the Holy Spirit.
The Bible is Timeless
We emphasized that God's word is timeless, relevant across all generations, and provides hope and strength.
Jehovah, the Names of God
Special guest speaker Pastor Coco delivered an inspiring message on the significance of the names of God, encouraging our youth to reflect on and embrace God's multifaceted roles in their lives as they navigate personal and spiritual challenges.