OAG Digital Library

Our online Bible Study library

This is an archive of our Sunday Evening Bible Studies, started at the beginning of the quarantine of 2020, plus a few bonus features and videos. Each regular study is between 15 & 25 minutes long, and features some in-depth looks at many Biblical topics, as well as book walkthroughs. The archive below is in Chronological order, beginning with the most recent.

Some are stand-alone studies, and some are in series.

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**TIP - Don’t hit enter. Just type the keyword and it will automatically search as you type. Be patient, sometimes it takes a moment, as there are now a lot of studies here.

Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn

To Timothy, Part 18

While in prison and bound to a prison guard, Paul made the awesome statement that the word of God could not be bound. Many are trying to silence the word of God, but it cannot be bound. It will continue to go across the world as God's Spirit uses the efforts of men to spread the glorious Good News!

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Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn

To Timothy, Part 12

Paul, in writing to Timothy was instructing him in a number of areas. Basically, he was preparing him so he could pass the baton of ministry to him. He wanted Timothy to know that ministry was not always easy, but in the midst of all our difficulties we still need to know how to act in certain instances.

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Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn

To Timothy, Part 9

God speaks of several mysteries in the Scriptures. Most of those mysteries are secrets of God that he reveals through His Word, His revelation and His Spirit. We Christians have this secret, but He does not want us to keep it or hide it but let shine before the whole world.

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Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn

To Timothy, Part 6

Tonight we have part one of an interesting study of Women in the Ministry--a topic that admittedly can be very controversial. Regardless of your feelings on the subject, let's allow the Holy Spirit to minister to our hearts and realize even though we may disagree, we can still love God and love each other.

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