To Timothy, Part 6

📜 Title: To Timothy, Part 6

🗣️ By: Pastor Derrel Strickland

📝 Message Description: Tonight we have part one of an interesting study of Women in the Ministry--a topic that admittedly can be very controversial. Regardless of your feelings on the subject, let's allow the Holy Spirit to minister to our hearts and realize even though we may disagree, we can still love God and love each other.

❓ Discussion Questions: 1️⃣ What ministries do you feel women should or could be involved in? 2️⃣ Do you think God calls women to ministry and equips them for ministry? 3️⃣ Has a women played a major part in your spiritual development? If so, how?

📖 Scriptures: 1 Timothy 2:9-15, Ephesians 5:20-26, 1 Corinthians 9:1-7, Acts 2:17-18, Judges 4:4-9


To Timothy, Part 7


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