To Timothy, Part 18

📜 Title: To Timothy, Part 18

🗣️ By: Pastor Derrel Strickland

📝 Message Description: While in prison and bound to a prison guard, Paul made the awesome statement that the word of God could not be bound. Many are trying to silence the word of God, but it cannot be bound. It will continue to go across the world as God's Spirit uses the efforts of men to spread the glorious Good News!

❓ Discussion Questions: 1️⃣ Share with us your opinion on how the world system is trying to silence the church. 2️⃣ Share with us the testimony of how someone you know, maybe yourself, was able to hear the gospel for the very first time. 3️⃣ How do you think Paul's past prepared him for his ministry?

📖 Scriptures: 2 Timothy 2:8-13, Acts 7:56, Acts 7:59-60, Luke 16:17, Luke 21:33, Acts 16:22-33


To Timothy, Part 19


To Timothy, Part 17