To Timothy, Part 9

📜 Title: To Timothy, Part 9

🗣️ By: Pastor Derrel Strickland

📝 Message Description: Don't Keep/Hide Your Secret - Sunday, January 17, 2021 Description: God speaks of several mysteries in the Scriptures. Most of those mysteries are secrets of God that he reveals through His Word, His revelation and His Spirit. We Christians have this secret, but He does not want us to keep it or hide it but let shine before the whole world.

❓ Discussion Questions: 1️⃣ How did you come to know the secret of who God is? 2️⃣ We realize we can not open any one's eyes but what type of hints can we give to cause people to seek the revelation of God's love and grace? 3️⃣ Tell someone your story of how you learned the secret.


To Timothy, Part 10


To Timothy, Part 8