The Idol of Popularity

πŸ“œ Title: The Idol of Popularity

πŸ—£οΈ By: Pastor Scott Anderson

πŸ“ Message Description: It's safe to say that most people want to be liked by others, it's just our human nature. Trying to please others may not seem like a big deal, but if we exalt it above pleasing God, then we have a problem. In this message, we'll take a look at a passage that highlights a time when even though some leaders of Israel believed that Jesus was the Messiah, they refused to make the proclamation of faith in fear of being ostracized by others.

❓ Discussion Questions:

1️⃣ Do you or have you ever struggled with the temptation to please man over God? Why do you think we tend to place man's opinion above the standard that God has given? Why are we tempted to choose what is popular over God?

2️⃣ Why do you think people say they want to be used by God and then when He gives them an opportunity, they back step?

3️⃣ Pastor Scott said, "We don't need the approval of man because if we have repented and surrendered our life to Christ, we are already accepted by God." Why then do people tend to seek the approval of others?

4️⃣ While we rightfully are disgusted with the lack of courage and integrity of the leaders of Israel highlighted in our main passage tonight, how often have you failed to take a stand for Jesus when the stakes were even lower?

πŸ“– Scriptures: John 12:37-46, Matthew 10:32-33, 2 Timothy 3:1-5, John 12:42, John 4:13-14, Matthew 6:1, Matthew 6:5, Matthew 6:16, Jeremiah 2:12-13, Philippians 4:11, Matthew 3:17b, John 5:19, Matthew 5:16


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