OAG Digital Library
Our online Bible Study library
This is an archive of our Sunday Evening Bible Studies, started at the beginning of the quarantine of 2020, plus a few bonus features and videos. Each regular study is between 15 & 25 minutes long, and features some in-depth looks at many Biblical topics, as well as book walkthroughs. The archive below is in Chronological order, beginning with the most recent.
Some are stand-alone studies, and some are in series.
Use the drop down boxes below to filter by speaker and date, or click the button below the drop-downs for a listing of featured Bible Study series.
- Allen Best 1
- Barbara Findley 1
- Bill Walsh 1
- Billy Rhoads 2
- Brad Lippincott 7
- Brian Henningsen 1
- Chaplain Lou Parker 24
- Dave Jenkins 1
- Gator Fort 1
- Glenda Henningsen 1
- Guest Speaker 2
- Interview 1
- Irene Walsh 1
- Jeannie Davis 1
- Johnnie Powell 1
- Jon Rowell 1
- Kati Anderson 1
- Lee Terry 1
- Linda Abner 1
- Marty McKenna 1
- Matthew Miller 1
- Missionary Nick Krake 1
- Mitzi Terry 1
- Nick Jones 1
- Pastor Adam Goodrich 3
- Pastor Amanda Hahn 6
- Pastor Craig Mustain 1
- Pastor Daniel Hahn 5
- Pastor Derrel Strickland 181
- Pastor Jeff Booth 8
- Pastor Scott Anderson 6
- Renee Mathews 1
- Sherron Miller 1
- Skylar Phillips 1
- January 2025 4
- December 2024 5
- November 2024 4
- October 2024 7
- September 2024 7
- August 2024 4
- July 2024 4
- June 2024 5
- May 2024 4
- April 2024 4
- March 2024 5
- February 2024 4
- January 2024 4
- December 2023 4
- November 2023 4
- October 2023 5
- September 2023 4
- August 2023 4
- July 2023 5
- June 2023 8
- May 2023 5
- April 2023 9
- March 2023 7
- February 2023 6
- January 2023 8
- December 2022 4
- November 2022 4
- October 2022 5
- September 2022 4
- August 2022 4
- July 2022 5
- June 2022 4
- May 2022 5
- April 2022 4
- March 2022 4
- February 2022 4
- January 2022 5
- December 2021 4
- November 2021 4
- October 2021 5
- September 2021 4
- August 2021 5
- July 2021 4
- June 2021 4
- May 2021 5
- April 2021 4
- March 2021 4
- February 2021 4
- January 2021 5
- December 2020 4
- November 2020 5
- October 2020 4
- September 2020 3
- August 2020 5
- July 2020 3
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**TIP - Don’t hit enter. Just type the keyword and it will automatically search as you type. Be patient, sometimes it takes a moment, as there are now a lot of studies here.
Until I Return: Occupy
As we wait for Christ's return, we are actively engaged in advancing His Kingdom on the earth.
Moving Rocks
In the Kingdom, God assigns responsibilities and assignments for His purpose, but also for our spiritual development and maturity.
Praise - The Power To Elevate
Choosing to focus our attention on an all-powerful God through praise lifts oppression and burdens and builds our faith that God will turn our situation around for our good and for His glory.
The Bible Basics
Despite the prevalence of Bibles in US households, many Americans fail to engage with its life-changing message. May we prioritize reading and applying God's Word, recognizing it as a love letter from God that equips us for a life of purpose and service.
Enough Evidence
Years ago the question was asked, "if you were put on trial for being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you?" That's a great question. What would your answer be? I am thankful that I will not be tried for my good works but for the work of Jesus Christ and what that work accomplished for me. Let's look at it.
Satan’s Web
Have you ever seen someone runs into a spider web and they do the crazy dance, waving their harms trying to get it off? There are many things in life that are like that. Satan is a deceiver and he weaves webs to catch us in. One strand of the web normally doesn't stop us but weaving many together binds us into a strangle hold. Let's talk about Satan's Web.
What Do We Do With An Opportunity
After Peter had been used to heal the lame man at the temple gate he saw an opportunity. What did he do with it? What do we do with an opportunity? Let's look at it.
Resting In Him
Jesus invited the people to come to him and rest. God encouraged Moses to enter into His rest. David, the man after God's own heart, understood that he could enter into the refuge of God almighty. The invitation is still open. Come unto me and I will give you rest.
What On Earth Are You Doing For Heaven’s Sake?
I saw a t-shirt that really ministered to me. It said, "Heaven is my home, I'm here on a Recruiting Trip." I had to ask myself the question, "How is my recruiting going along?" What am I doing? What are you doing? What are earth are you doing for heaven's sake?
It’s Not About Us
Many amazing things happened at Pentecost, but one of the major changes was the attitudes of the disciples. Prior to Pentecost it was all about them. After Pentecost it was all about Him. They were saved, restored and were being made mature.
While He Was Grieving
The Bible is full of Jesus performing miracles. Sometimes we fail to notice that many of those were done when Jesus was in the middle of something else. Even when he was mourning the loss of a friend or when he was interrupted. Let's look at one of those times.
Knowing God
God knows everything about us. The question today is how well do we know God? Do you know Him well enough to fear Him, serve Him, and trust Him? Let's know Him well enough to totally surrender to Him.
Working With God, Not Working For God
Bill Bright and James Davis encourages us to work with God not for God. We often forget that God invites us to work with Him. We can do very little working for God but working with God we can accomplish so much more.
You Can Relax if Jesus is in the Boat!
It might not be something that we all want to talk about, but we've all been there a time or two. When the storms around us are great, our faith is put to the test, and we've got a decision to make; are we going to trust in God's plan or are we going to succumb to the fear of the storm and allow anxiety to take over? In this message, we'll learn that when Jesus is in the boat, we can sit back, put our feet up, and relax even in the midst of a storm.
Traditions: Generation To Generation
Traditions are a part of every family, both cultural and biblical. God commands us to pass on His Word through traditions from generation to generation. We have 3 types, or categories, of traditions that are part of our lives: daily, weekly and life-changing. The question is: what traditions are you passing down to the next generation and WHY?
Do We Need To Be Right?
Despite what we all may think, we have a deep seated need to be right--to prove that what we say and believe is right. But God has not called us to be right. He has called us to be faithful. He's called us to love the unloveable. He's called us to be kind. So, maybe it's OK to lose the argument, but gain the opportunity to share the Gospel.
You Gotta Want It
What sets super-star athletes, actors, or other successful people apart? They wanted something so much that they would do anything and make any sacrifice necessary to have it. There's a lot of Christians that are just bench-warmers, but only a few super-stars. Do you really want eternal life?