God Is Calling You

📜 Title: God Is Calling You

🗣️ By: Pastor Scott Anderson

📝 Message Description: There is a question that most if not all young people ask at some point in their adolescent years. Tonight, we're going to look at a few Bible characters to help us answer the question, "What is my calling and how can I know that I'm fulfilling it on a daily basis?"

Discussion Questions: 1️⃣ Why is it often hard for us to remain settled in the place God has us in the current season? 2️⃣ Think of a few practical ways you can be Jesus to the people around you this week. Let's talk through your ideas. 3️⃣ What are you doing in this season of your life to help prepare you for the next? Are you taking full advantage of this season or are you just wishing God would promote you to the next? What do you think God is wanting you to learn in this season? 4️⃣ Pastor Scott referred to Micah 6:8 as being a foundational verse that points us to our general calling. Are you fulfilling everything it states the Lord requires? Let's talk about it.

📖 Scriptures: Exodus 3:1, Mark 6:2-3, 2 Timothy 2:15, Zechariah 4:10, Mark 16:15, Micah 6:8


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