Sunday Messages Archives 

Here you will find nearly a decade worth of Sunday messages. They are in reverse chronological order starting with the most recent.

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Pastor Tom Van Kempen Daniel Hahn Pastor Tom Van Kempen Daniel Hahn

A “Last Days” Church

In this sermon, Pastor Tom emphasizes that God is a speaking and empowering presence in our lives, urging the congregation to recognize the significance of the Holy Spirit's outpouring in the last days, as well as to actively participate in sharing the gospel and fulfilling God’s purpose through dreams and visions.

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Guest Speakers Daniel Hahn Guest Speakers Daniel Hahn

The Blood, The Cross, and the Sinless Sacrifice

In his sermon, Evangelist Chris Mikkelson emphasizes the urgency of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, comparing it to a ripe harvest, and illustrates the power of salvation through the story of the two thieves crucified alongside Jesus, highlighting that true repentance and faith in Christ can lead to eternal life.

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