Beyond the Dock, Part 1
Series: Beyond the Dock
Sermon: Jesus Goes Fishing
🗣️ Speaker: Pastor Tom Van Kempen
In this week's sermon, Pastor Tom shared a powerful message about evangelism and its importance in our Christian walk. He used the analogy of fishing to illustrate how Jesus calls us to be "fishers of men." Pastor Tom emphasized that, just like fishing, evangelism requires both preparation and patience. He reminded us that Jesus himself was the perfect example of how to reach out to others with love and compassion, stepping beyond our comfort zones to share the Good News. The core takeaway is simple: we are all called to spread God's love and grace, using our unique gifts to make an impact in the world around us.
Additional Info
The info below was generated by an AI from the audio recording of the sermon.
The Purpose of Evangelism: Fishing for Souls
In the quest for faith, many people seek purpose beyond their daily routines. Evangelism, a concept central to Christianity, embodies the call to share the good news of God's grace. This act is often depicted as fishing, where Jesus invites us to become fishers of men. Why is this metaphor so vital? Just as fishermen tide themselves to their boats to navigate the waters, Christians are called to navigate the world, casting nets of compassion and understanding.
Understanding the Hesitation to Evangelize
Despite the importance of evangelism, many Christians hesitate to share their faith. This apathy can stem from various sources: cultural disapproval, personal insecurities, or overwhelming responsibility. Concerns about being perceived as intrusive or aggressive can lead to reluctance in speaking about one's beliefs. However, recognizing that sharing faith can be a loving act, rather than a pushy sales pitch, is critical. Evangelism should stem from genuine care and desire to share joy.
Jesus as the Master Fisherman
In the Bible, Jesus exemplifies the role of a fisherman both literally and metaphorically. His life and teachings serve as a blueprint for anyone looking to share their faith. In Matthew 4:19, Jesus invites his followers to become fishers of men, indicating that his mission on Earth was not merely to teach but to save. Jesus' methods show us that fishing for souls requires patience, strategy, and above all, love.
The Role of Prayer in Evangelism
Just as fishermen study fishing reports, Christians must engage in prayer to discern where and how to share the gospel. Prayer helps prepare the heart for opportunities to connect with others. Jesus constantly sought out solitude to pray, demonstrating the necessity of spiritual connection in our efforts to evangelize. This devotion ensures that we are guiding our actions through divine direction rather than our ambitions.
Strategic Approaches to Sharing Faith
Effective evangelism requires a strategy. Jesus exemplified this as he chose specific locations and audiences. For today’s believers, identifying their personal ‘fishing holes’—places where they regularly interact with others (workplaces, schools, or neighborhoods)—is essential. Understanding these environments enables Christians to engage in meaningful conversations about their faith.
Building Authentic Relationships
When Jesus interacted with others, he created meaningful relationships rather than transactional exchanges. He asked questions that revealed the hearts of those around him, fostering connections. Similarly, Christians should prioritize authentic engagement over mere religious obligation. Building trust and a sense of belonging can create a more welcoming environment for discussing faith.
The Invitation to Belong
Jesus’ approach to inviting others was significant. His invitation went beyond sharing knowledge; he offered companionship and genuine fellowship. This concept of radical hospitality can inspire communities to be inclusive. While shaking hands and smiling faces are important, true community comes from inviting individuals into meaningful relationships that reflect God’s love.
The Impact of Personal Stories
One of the compelling aspects of evangelism is the power of personal stories. Sharing individual experiences can be a powerful tool to convey faith. Just as Andrew brought his brother Simon to Jesus through a personal connection, Christians today can introduce others to faith by being authentic and inviting. The results can ripple through families and communities as more individuals decide to explore faith based on personal testimony.
Understanding the Call to Persevere
The journey to evangelism may come with challenges, and not every invitation will be accepted. However, the biblical examples show that persistence in prayer and love is crucial. Just as Jesus continually sought to connect with others—even after setbacks—Christians must remain steadfast. Every individual matters, and even the smallest invitation can lead to significant change in someone’s life.
Embracing the Call to Evangelize
As believers, there is a collective call to step outside comfort zones. The metaphor of leaving the dock signifies venturing into deeper waters for those seeking to share their faith. It invites us to trust in God’s guidance as we engage with the world. Each person can play a role, alongside Jesus, in this divine mission, playing their part in the beautiful tapestry of faith.
Conclusion: The Invitation to Action
Jesus’ call to become fishers of men is not merely a suggestion; it is a transformative invitation. Individuals are encouraged to embrace their roles actively, utilizing prayer, building relationships, and sharing stories of faith. As we prepare for future opportunities to reach others—especially during significant seasons, like Easter—let’s remind ourselves of the potential impact of our actions and words. Sharing faith is not simply about planting seeds; it involves nurturing the connections that foster spiritual growth and hope.
Use the questions listed below as a launching point to discuss the sermon points together as a family. These are great for dinner table discussions and small groups.
1. Reflect on Your Call
How do you feel about the idea of being a "fisher of men"?
Can you recall a time when you shared your faith with someone? How did it go?
2. Understanding Evangelism
What are some common misconceptions about evangelism today?
How can we overcome the hesitation to share our faith?
3. Preparing for Evangelism
Why do you think prayer is essential before evangelizing?
How can you prepare yourself spiritually and practically for sharing the Good News?
4. Jesus' Example
What story or aspect of Jesus' life inspires you most when it comes to sharing your faith?
How can we reflect the same love and compassion Jesus showed in our own outreach efforts?
5. Taking Action
What specific steps can you take in the coming week to reach out to others?
Share some of the "fishing holes" in your life where you meet non-believers. How can these places be opportunities for sharing your faith?
Historical Context: Fishers of Men
In the time of Jesus, fishing was a central and common occupation around the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus grew up. Many of His first disciples, including Peter, Andrew, James, and John, were fishermen themselves. Fishing in the ancient world was laborious and required patience and skill, reflecting the qualities needed for evangelism.
Galilee’s Significance
Galilee was a fertile region with a diverse population, making it ripe for Jesus' ministry. The cultural mix meant varied beliefs and openness to new teachings, which Jesus leveraged in spreading his message.
The Call to Evangelize
Jesus' call to become "fishers of men" was deeply rooted in His Jewish heritage, reflecting the prophetic tradition of calling people back to God. This was during a period marked by Roman occupation, where hope for messianic redemption was high, making Jesus' invitation to follow Him both spiritually and politically resonant.
Challenges of Evangelism
Early evangelism faced skepticism and opposition, similar to challenges today. Roman and Jewish authorities often viewed new religious movements with suspicion, so Jesus’ metaphor connected deeply rooted cultural practices with spiritual missions, making His teachings accessible and impactful.
Kids Lesson: "Born to Fish"
Hi everyone! Today we're going to learn about a really cool lesson from the Bible that teaches us how Jesus wants us to share our love and faith with others. It's like being fishermen, but instead of catching fish, we catch friends who need to know about God's love! We are going to have fun with a craft and a game that helps us understand what it means to "fish for people."
Let's read from the Bible!
Mark 16:15: "Jesus said to his followers, 'Go everywhere in the world and tell the good news to everyone.'"
Matthew 4:19: "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."Craft: Fishing for Friends
Materials Needed:
Construction paper (blue, yellow, green)
Crayons or markers
String or yarn
Paper clips or small weights
Tape or glue
Cut out fish shapes from the construction paper (you can have different colors for more fun!).
Write a friend’s name or someone you want to share Jesus with on each fish.
Use the string to create fishing lines (like a fishing rod).
You can attach a paper clip to each fish as a weight so they can hang on the string when you hold it up like a fishing rod.
Once you're done, hang your fishing line in your room to remember to pray for your friends and to think about how you can share God's love with them!
Game: "Catch and Release"
Objective: To help kids learn how to share their faith with others in a fun way.
How to Play:Divide the kids into two teams.
Set up a "fishing area" with a small pool or a large box filled with soft balls (these will be the "fish").
Give each team a fishing rod (you can use a stick with a string attached).
On the count of three, each team will try to catch as many fish as they can. Once they catch a fish, they need to shout out something nice about Jesus or tell how they can share God's love (e.g., “I can invite my friend to church!”).
After fishing for a set time (3-5 minutes), have the teams count their fish and share their ideas.
Celebrate the team that catches the most fish and share a clap for everyone's ideas on how they can "fish for people" too.
Discussion Questions
What does it mean to be a "fisher of men"?
Why do you think Jesus asked us to tell others about him?
How can we show God's love to our friends?
Why is it important to pray for our friends before telling them about Jesus?
How does it feel to invite someone to learn about Jesus?
Wrap-Up with Prayer
Let's wrap it all up with a prayer.
"Dear Jesus, thank You for teaching us how to be fishers of men! Help us to share Your love and good news with our friends and family. Give us boldness and kindness as we invite them to know You more. We pray for our friends who don't know you yet, that they will come to understand how much You love them. Thank You for always being with us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!" -
Have you noticed any remodeling going on around here? You know, I think some people are getting the wrong impression because a couple of guys said that they were leaving and gonna go fishing now after they saw this. And it's really an object lesson. I learned a long time ago that we never grow out of object lessons.
Who can say amen? I mean, I don't know where we got this idea that once you turn, I don't know, 15, 18, 20, 21, that you don't want to see it just as much as. And there's a lot of visual learners outside of the audible learners. And so they need stuff like this. I need stuff like this just to keep things interesting once in a while.
So I want to say thanks for those who helped construct this over the last week. We made one simple mistake though. And there's a wedding next Saturday.
Yeah. And can you believe it? She doesn't want a dock for her wedding. And so we're gonna actually have to move this thing and then bring it back for next Sunday. And so we might have made a simple mistake there, but it's not something that can't be remedied.
And so I'm glad you're here today. There was a young 5 year old boy and he decided that he wanted to go outside and play catch with his older brother and his brother's best friend. They playing catch in the front yard. And so the boy goes on out there and asks to play. And the older brother is rather cruel and just tells him no.
And the little boy says, why not? And the older brother says, you're not good enough. You don't have an arm. You can't even get the ball to me. And the boy is arguing, but there's no winning this argument.
So he sits down and he begins to pout and he just crosses his arms like this and resigns himself to the fact that he's not going to get to play. And right about then, the older brother throws a fastball to his friend. But it gets a little out of control and it goes over his head, over his glove, into the neighbor's window, it shatters the window. And all Of a sudden, the little brother's not pouting any longer. Now he gets this grin on his face.
And the older brother comes over and says, you're not gonna tell mom and dad, are you? And the little boy just sat there smiling. The older brother said, I'll give you my glove if you don't tell mom and dad. The brother just sits there smiling. He says, I'll give you my bat, my ball and my glove if you just don't tell mom and dad.
And the little boy just sits there and smiles. And he says, if my bat and my glove and my ball aren't enough, what do you want? And the little boy says, I want to tell somebody.
Mark, chapter 16, verse 15 says this. Jesus said to his followers, go everywhere in the world and tell, say, tell, tell, tell the good news to everyone. Acts chapter 20, verse 24. This is Paul speaking. He says, the most important thing is that I complete my mission, the work that the Lord Jesus gave me to tell, say, tell to tell people the good news about God's grace.
We have a special theological term for this, and that theological term is evangelism. And we think, you know what, I don't know. I've not been called to be an evangelist. But you do have the best news that's ever been told. Who can say, amen?
You gotta tell it. Strangely, however, Christians are hesitant to evangelize. Christians are apathetic when it comes to evangelizing. Some are overwhelmed by the challenge. And some people that from the millennial group on, think it is morally wrong to evangelize.
Did you just hear that? There are people under the age of 40 who are born again Christians, who culture has convinced them that it is morally wrong to evangelize, to articulate your faith in any way, shape or form. Now, a part of me understands. A part of me understands because I've grown up in the United States over the last couple of decades and I understand there are some ugly, ugly pictures when it comes to evangelism. The first thing that comes to my mind is the TV evangelist, slick back hair, fancy suit, $2,000 sneakers, something like that, you know, and he is bottling Jordan river water for only 99.99.
He will give you a prayer cloth that will guarantee to heal you for just 19.99. And those kind of images have scarred the American psyche for decades and decades. And so people want to shy away from this idea of evangelists. There's another picture, and that's the picture of the guy that I can't really completely disagree With. And that's the guy who takes up shop in the town center or the town square or maybe the Las Vegas strip or something like that.
And he gets a megaphone and he starts proclaiming the gospel. Now, of course, when he does say, you're going to hell, it's not a very inviting message, okay? And so that also has scarred the American psyche. A lot of Americans see evangelism as nothing more than salesmanship or bullying or something like that. But Jesus gave us a completely different picture when it comes to evangelism, and it's the picture of a fisherman.
Anybody like to fish? A few of you? A few when you have time. Sure, I get all that. Matthew, chapter 4, verse 19.
This is what Jesus says, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. You know that one, huh? But did you know? He wasn't just talking to them. He was talking to you and me.
And in order for Jesus to teach people to be fishers of men, that means he has to be an expert fisherman himself. That means he had to have come into this world for a purpose. And Jesus was born to fish. Fishing was not a weekend pastime for him. Fishing for souls was his very heart's mission.
Luke 19:10 puts it this way. For the son of man has come to and to save that which was lost. When he got to planet Earth, it wasn't a pretty picture. He saw humanity swimming in an ocean of darkness. He found people drowning in their sin and brokenness and despair.
And thankfully, Jesus is an expert when it comes to humanity. He's not just a fisherman. He was an ichthyologist.
A what? A what? A what? Ichthyologist is not a bad theologian, just so you know. Okay.
Ichthyologist is the branch of zoology that studies fish. Jesus studied humanity thoroughly. You know why? He created us. He made us.
He knows everything about us. He knows the hairs on our heads. He knows every thought in our minds. He knows what we did yesterday and what we're gonna do tomorrow. And more than that, he became one of us.
Think of it. He could have stayed up in heaven and said, you guys fend for yourself down there. It's not what he did. He made a decision. I'm gonna show up in the flesh.
It's called the incarnation. He literally became a human being. He spent decades experiencing childhood and adolescence and adulthood. He worked a real job. He got t thirsty and hungry.
He was tempted, the Bible says, just like you and I were tempted. So he understood everything. He understood the highs and the lows. He saw how far we have fallen. But he didn't give up on us because he saw our potential.
Who can say amen to that? He never came to study us from afar. He wanted to get up close and personal. He wanted to see, he wanted to save. Because, yes, it was his mission, but it was also his passion.
A little boy, he showed up for Sunday school about seven or eight minutes late. And the Sunday school teacher called him out right away, where have you been? Where have you been? And the little boy was sheepish. He was a little humiliated.
And he said, I have to be honest, sir. He says, I was planning on going fishing this morning, and my dad said I couldn't go. And so this Sunday school teacher was about to commend the Father on being such a great example of what it means to be a man of God. When the boy completed the story and said. He said, I couldn't go because there wasn't enough bait for both of us.
The man's passion was fishing. It wasn't church. Jesus passion. Matthew, chapter 4, verse 23. And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their city synagogues and preaching.
Listen to this. The Gospel of the kingdom. Jesus Job was to preach the gospel, just like you and me. We're supposed to go out and tell people the good news, right? The good news of Jesus saving us.
The good news of Jesus making a way for all of humanity. We don't have to be separated from God. We don't have to go to hell. We don't have to experience all that bad stuff. But Jesus did it before us because he went before us, because he is a trained fisherman who can say amen.
And his bait, oh, his bait was literally his own life. Later on, In Matthew, chapter 20, he says he didn't come to be served. He came to serve, to give his life as a ransom for many. And we understand that to mean when he died on the cross. And Easter's coming up, and that's important.
And that's one of the reasons why we're doing this evangelism series. We don't want you to forget that Easter is the super bowl of Sunday services. We don't want you to forget that people are gonna be more open to coming to church than at any other time during the year. And so we wanna take advantage of this and invite them and encourage them to be here. Okay?
But we need to understand that Jesus didn't just die on the cross. He lived amongst humanity. He was present with them. He sat. He spent time with people.
He hung out with what was considered the wrong Crowd at that time, he patiently walked through life with them, through their struggles and their failures and their mistakes. His love was real and his love was deeply felt. He wept over the death of Lazarus, even though he knew he was gonna raise him from the dead, because he saw how much it impacted Mary and Martha. He cried along with them. He mourned for the city of Jerusalem.
Fishing for souls was not a side hustle for Jesus. It was his purpose. It was his passion, and it was his plan. But he also knew that he only had a couple of years to get this plan into action. He only had three years of ministry, and he had to hand it off to another group of men and women to carry on the cause.
So his plan was to catch and release. It was catch and release. As Jesus was born to fish, you and I are born again to fish. Jesus saves us, but not just from something, for something to become fishers of men. You were caught, you were then cleansed.
And then you're released back in the world to catch more people who can say Amen. Amen. That's point number one. We're going fast today. That's a good thing.
Number two, Jesus tunes into the latest fishing report. I just need you to know that we're gonna be spending the next four weeks primarily talking about Jesus, and we're gonna be using his life as an example of how to interact with the people around us. Because he was the example. He was the example. And one of the things that.
That we need to pay special attention to is the fact that Jesus tunes into the latest fishing report. Now, if you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm talking about prayer, okay? But I got online this week, and I typed in Florida fishing report, and I got this television program. And I don't know if you guys watch this or anyone's ever seen this thing, but there's these guys talking about where you can catch all the good fish and everything. And their first line was this.
Early reports out of southeast Florida are showing the jumbo black fins are starting to roll through. Well, God will give you the report of where those souls in need of a savior are coming through. He will give you divine revelation. He will give you opportunities. He will give you moments.
He will. He will intersect your life perfectly with someone else's. Because a good fisherman checks the fishing report. Where are the fish biting? What bait should be used.
Jesus didn't just watch the Weather Channel. He tuned into God's channel through prayer. And we need to do the exact same thing. Jesus Wasn't a casual prayer person. His life was dotted by times of prayer and fasting.
His life was dotted by getting away again and again all by himself. Many times in groups. At other times, he was a man who loved to pray, needed to pray, wanted to pray. After he was water baptized, the scripture tells us that he was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And when he had fasted, how many days?
40 days and 40 nights. Prayed and fasted. If you fasted for one day, you know how hard this is, right? If you've gone to the three day fast, wow. 10 days, 21 day Daniel fast or an all food fast?
I don't know. Maybe some have attempted a 40 day all food fast. What happens if you haven't eaten after 40 days? You're tired, you're hungry, you need some sustenance, you need some food. So the devil shows up on the scene and tempts him.
And during this rigorous battle that we don't know how long it lasted, the spirit realm. Do you know the first thing Jesus did after all of this? He started fishing. That's what it tells us. He went to the, to the area of Galatia and he started preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God.
He didn't go take a vacation. He didn't go on a cruise. I'm not opposed to cruises, just by the way. All right. If you need a cruise partner, I'll be more than happy to join you.
I love cruises. But he didn't do any of that. He immediately started fishing for men. Luke tells us he goes to Galilee, starts teaching, preaching, telling the good news, and then he starts looking for more fishermen. And one chapter later, maybe a little bit more than one chapter later, in Luke chapter six, Remember, I'm going back from Matthew chapter four and Luke chapter four.
They both tell this same story. And then in Luke chapter six, it says this. Now it came to pass in those days that he went out to the mountain to pray. And he continued all night in prayer to God. And when it was day, he called his disciples to himself.
And from them he chose 12, whom he also named apostles. Are you getting the picture? Jesus fasts for 40 days and 40 nights. Immediately after the fast, he starts preaching. He starts gathering a following.
Numerous people start following him. Probably dozens, maybe scores. He's probably over the hundred level at this point. And he's only spent two or three months evangelizing. That's all he's been doing.
And then he spends another entire 24 hours in prayer. Why because he wants to set aside 12 just for himself. He wants a little bit smaller group. He wants a little bit more intimacy. He still has all of these disciples, but 12 of them become apostles.
And the only way to choose those is through prayer. Fishing for souls requires preparation. And much of that preparation happens in prayer. Who can say amen? That's already point two.
We're already on point three, man. You guys are gonna get out of here probably by 2 this afternoon.
Cause the last point's the longest one. You know that, right? Point number three is Jesus had a strategic process. Good fishermen are never in a hurry. If they're in a hurry, they're probably gonna mess up.
They're probably gonna miss out, they're gonna do the wrong thing. They have to come up with a comprehensive strategy. They need to first and foremost identify, where are they gonna go fish? Where is the best fishing hole? Jesus did the exact same thing.
He decided to choose an area called Galilee. Now, remember, this is after praying. This is after tuning in with God. God is directing him where he needs to go. Where do you fish?
Have you ever thought about it? I'm not talking about the Gulf of America.
I almost said the Gulf of Mexico. I almost said it. Okay? I'm not talking about the Atlantic Ocean. I'm not talking about Miona Lake.
I'm not talking about stuff like that. Where do you fish for souls? Is it a restaurant? Is it your work? Is it at school?
Is it in your neighborhood? Your gym? The supermarket? Circle K, Wawa 7, 11. These are all fishing holes.
And we need to be ready in a moment. Who can say amen? We need to be ready. In John chapter one, we find Jesus going back to where he had been water baptized. I started asking myself a question.
Why would he do that? Why would Jesus go back to where he got water baptized? I was trying to figure it out, trying to think, what is going on? So we're gonna go to this story right here, beginning. Well, it doesn't really begin in John, chapter 1, verse 29.
It begins earlier with John the Baptist being asked a simple question. Are you the Messiah? And John the Baptist says, no, I'm not the one. And he says, the one is the one that I saw when I water baptized him. And when I water baptized him, the Spirit literally came upon him.
And I saw it with my own physical eyes. He's the one. Oh, I baptized with water. But he baptizes with the Holy Spirit and with fire. I'm not even worthy to.
To tie his shoes. I'm not Even worthy to hold a basket for him. I'm not even worthy to be in his presence. That's the man you're looking for. The next day, John saw the very man coming toward him.
And he said, behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. And you would think a revival would start.
Nothing happened. Nobody paid attention. Nobody was listening. All of this really cool stuff he had just said the day before. Now the man that he's talking about shows up and nobody even notices.
You'd think Jesus should give up by then. No, he had a plan. He had a reconnaissance mission. He was searching for just the right person, just the right people. He was trying to put together his fishing team.
So again, here we are, about five or six verses later, again the next day. So John the Baptist says, I'm not the Messiah. The next day, Jesus comes. Nothing happens. So here we're on day number three.
Now, the next day, John stood with two of his disciples. And looking at Jesus as he walked, he said, behold the Lamb of God. The exact same thing. And you're saying, what is Jesus doing? He's initiating contact.
He's trying to get in people's everyday lives. I do the exact same thing. And one of my fishing holes is Steak n Shake.
And you know what? It has been a more beloved fishing hole since they've gone from vegetable oil to animal fat for their French fries. I am just telling you, their fries now taste like the McDonald's fries of golden years. Back in the 60s and the 70s, they were so good, they would literally just melt in your mouth. Now, Steak n Shake, fries.
Fries taste that well to me, they taste that good. All right, but listen, listen, guys. I go there three times a week.
Oh, wasn't Jesus doing the same thing? He just kept coming and coming and coming the same spot. I've been here for 10 weeks now. That means I've been a steak and shake 30 times. I get a double every time.
That means I've had 60 hamburger patties in 10 weeks. My birthday's coming up in a month. I accept gift cards. Just so you know, I'm going bankrupt, going to Steak n Shake.
But it's worth it, I'm telling you. Because I. I'm a regular now. They know my name. I'm not a complete stranger any longer.
They know my family. I've brought my family. They know my church staff. I've brought the church staff. This week, I went from friend to prayer partner.
Oh, when I. Yeah, just listen. When I told them it was my staff you know, they're trying to figure out what it is I do. I don't usually lead with that, just so you know. I don't lead with I'm a pastor.
Because no one will talk to you when you say that. When you're just a hamburger eater. Everybody thinks you're wimpy, okay? And if you're wimpy, you're innocent. So they talk to you.
And so, sure enough, this woman, she's one of the cooks, she comes and she sits in my booth. And I said, where have you been? She said, I went to the hospital this week. I said, what's wrong? She said, I have to get my gallbladder taken out.
And I said, are you scared? And she said, I'm scared. And I said, well, I'm your friend and I'll pray for you if that's what you want. Oh, would you pray for me, please? And I believe that she's going to become a member of this church.
That's how it works. That's how it works. You don't have to save them first. You have to care for them first. You have to love on them first.
You have to offer them the same bait that Jesus offered them. You offer your friendship, your attention, your care, your love and your life. That's what changes people's attitudes towards Christianity. I mean, Jesus was a genius, obviously. He invites people into a conversation.
Look at this. The two disciples heard him speak and they followed Jesus. Then Jesus turned and seeing them following, says to them, what are you looking for? Hey, you know, on the surface, this looks rude. Okay, what do you seek?
That's not what he's doing. He's turning around and he's saying, hey, what is it I can do for you guys? What are you looking for? Jesus was a genius at asking good questions. He's the master of this.
What do you seek? You see, what Jesus is seeking is for the hook. He's looking, where can I connect with this other human being? Where can I hook up with these two men and really connect with them in a real and personal way? He's not trying to reach some sales quota.
I gotta get so many saved by today. He's genuinely interested in their lives. He wants to know what makes them tick. And when he asks, what do you seek? He's trying to draw out of their heart.
He's trying to get to the bottom of their dreams, their aspirations, their lives and their motivations. Who can say, amen? This is what he's trying to do. And they simply ask him a question. Where are you staying?
So if someone asked me where I'm staying and I'm new in the community, I'd say, I'm at the Super 8 Hotel. End of conversation, right? Jesus hardly ever answers a question. Did you know they asked him over 180 questions in the New Testament? Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Over 180 questions. He only answered eight of them. He only answered three of them directly. And this isn't one of them. He doesn't answer this question directly.
Look at what he says.
Come and see.
Come and see. I mean, Jesus is genius here. He's like saying, you know what? I could answer the question, but then the conversation would be over. I'm not gonna answer it the way they think.
I'm just gonna invite them into fellowship, I'm gonna invite them in a relationship. I'm gonna show them that I am a great listener and I'm gonna pay complete attention to every single word that they say. A little girl came in, saw her dad watching the NCAA tournament. Yes. On television.
And she had something really important to go over with him. And so she said, dad, dad, I need your attention. And dad said, sure, I'm listening, I'm listening. And he says, he's watching the television. She said, no, dad, no, dad, no, Dad, I really got something important for you.
And he said, go ahead, go ahead. I'm listening, I'm listening. She walks on over to him, grabs his face, turns it towards her, and she says, dad, I need you to listen with your eyes. I need you to listen with your eyes. When your body language is open and your face is expressive, people know that you're listening.
When you are leaning forward and nodding your heart, people believe that you actually care what it is you're saying. And the next step then is to listen without judgment. Can Christians please listen without judgment? Please? Do you know?
Jesus didn't hang out with the prostitutes because he judged prostitution. Jesus didn't hang out with the alcoholics because he judged alcohol. He didn't hang out with the tax collectors because he judged their greed and the way they were stealing from their own people. He hung out with them as a real human being in a non judgmental fashion. He was safe to talk to.
He created this safe space. Can people ask you their heartfelt spiritual questions free from your smirks, raised voices, condensation, and rolling eyes? Is it possible? Are you so busy trying to close the deal that people feel you are forcing them into the deal? Listen.
Being genuinely heard and listened to is so close to being loved that for the Average person, they can't tell the difference. Come and see. They came and they saw where he was staying and remained with him that day. Now, it was about the 10th hour. Are you guys getting this?
They stay with him for the entire day. Do you think he had a schedule to keep? Did he have something to do? Yes, I'm sure he had plans for that day. He set his plans aside to spend time with these two human beings.
He literally invites them into his home. And instead of filling their minds with information, he offers them an invitation into his very own life. He didn't talk about the four spiritual laws. He didn't walk them down the Romans road to salvation. He just showed them who he was.
A picture is worth a thousand words. One living sermon is worth 1000 lectures. Jesus is demonstrating the transformative power of small groups. Who can say amen? They didn't go to a conference with Jesus.
They went to his house and they just hung out all day long. That is radical hospitality. That's crazy hospitality. Understand, they weren't friends. They weren't apostles yet.
They weren't disciples. They weren't even casual followers. They were complete strangers. And Jesus welcomes them into his home. But he goes beyond that.
He goes beyond welcoming to just belonging. You're a part of my family. See, I want to be the friendliest church in town, okay? That's my goal. I want us to be the friendliest church in town.
But I want to make sure that we understand that smiling faces, shaking hands is not enough. It's not enough to welcome them into membership. We need to welcome them into fellowship. They can't see us as a church of cliques. They need to see us as a group who genuinely invites them into the family for family time.
Who can say amen? That's what God is after. He goes beyond the dock and he extends his love to outsiders. Listen to this. This is Leviticus 19:34.
The stranger who dwells among you shall be to you as one born among you, and you shall love him as yourself. For you were strangers in the land of Egypt. I am the Lord your God. In the Old Testament, God was saying, please remember what it was like to be lost. Remember what it was like when you were a stranger from God.
And I know some of you were saved as a child and you might never have those memories. But think about it. You need to understand that the difference between a true disciple, a real fisherman, and a casual church attender is not how they treat insiders. It's how they treat outsiders. And that's why?
The story goes on to this verse. One of the two who heard John speak and followed him was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother. And he first found his. Look at this first. After he spends the day with Jesus, it demands a response.
Whenever you get the pleasure or the opportunity to talk to someone about Jesus, they're going to respond. I guarantee you they're going to respond. They responded to Jesus right and left. Some of them rejected him completely. Please don't think that everyone's going to say yes to your invitations.
Everyone's not going to say yes to your overtures. You have the purest motivations at heart. But maybe they have church hurt. Maybe they have a bad perception. Maybe the devil is doing something.
You need to understand that. The rich young ruler came to Jesus and rejected Jesus. Judas was one of the twelve and rejected Jesus. In John, chapter six, it tells us that from that time, many of his disciples went back and walked with him no more. But Andrew, wow, this guy was a superstar because he went and got his brother, who was such a big personality.
You barely even hear of Andrew ever again. But the few times that you do hear about Andrew, you find out that even though he wasn't the loudest, he wasn't the sharpest, he wasn't the most famous, he still had an impact for God's kingdom. Who can say Amen. See, it's not about personality. Personality, it's about reaching whoever you can reach.
It's about using your talents, your gifts, and starting a chain reaction. The same way that Andrew started a chain reaction that led to 3,000 people getting saved on the first day of Pentecost. A couple of weeks later, 5,000 people were saved. Some theologians believe that in those first couple of months and years, 100,000 Christians were born into the kingdom. Could it be because Andrew went and got his brother?
One simple investment made a difference for the entire Christian kingdom? What about you? Because God is inviting people today to be fishers of men. He's inviting us to a lifelong journey. Do you?
Something has always bugged me about the story in Matthew, chapter 4, verses 19 and 20. Look at this. Then he said to them, follow me and I'll make you fishers of men. They immediately left their nets and followed him. I mean, the immediacy with which they left it always boggled my mind until I realized this is, at a minimum, the second calling.
This isn't the first calling. John, chapter one is the first calling. This might be the second calling. In Luke, chapter five, you get the third calling. Jesus doesn't Stop with one, follow me, and I'll make you fishers of men.
He comes again and again and again and again. And you might have rejected the call over the years. Whether it's following him or becoming a fisher of men, you get another opportunity today, who can say amen? Amen. Think of this.
After three years of ministry with Jesus, Peter blows it. I mean, he denies that he even knows Jesus. Three different times. And after that, he says, you know what? I'm a failure.
I'm gonna go back to my old profession. And he goes back in John chapter 21, and he starts fishing again. And did you know Jesus shows up in John chapter 21 and two different times. He tells Peter, follow me. He never say never.
He never stops. He never gives up on us. He keeps coming again and again, now, again. I think this is here to express the urgency of the need. Even Jesus, back In Matthew, chapter 9 through 11, he talks about how the harvest fields are ripe.
They're ready to go. Where are the workers? Where it? Where are the workers? We're the fishermen.
And so we need to get ready. We need to prepare our hearts, especially over the next couple of weeks, because I think God has a mission for us. And the mission for us is to get away from the dock. The dock represents safety. The dock is close to home.
Okay? And I'm talking about this type of dock right here. I had one like this when I was nine years old. It was actually a little bit narrower. There were no posts around it.
It wasn't beautiful like this. It was rickety. But it was close to home. I could run back in the house anytime I wanted to. God wants us to move beyond the dock and out into the deep.
Who can say amen? He wants us to take some challenges and you might say, pastor. How do you know this? Well, this is the last lesson for today, okay? This word for fishers of men, this is one word in the Greek language, and it's halios, okay?
And it means fishers of men or fishermen. But it comes from a Greek word. H, A, L S, halse, and that means salt. So the actual word fisher for men comes from the idea of deep sea fishing out in the Mediterranean, out in the ocean, out in the Gulf, where the waters are deep, where people are struggling greatly. This is what I know.
Jesus is calling. And the waters are teeming with souls waiting to be caught. Will you go fishing for them? So I'm gonna ask you to do a couple of things here. Number one, I want you to get out your phone.
Robin, would you come on up here and help me, please. Robin doesn't know she's gonna do this, but she gets to do it. Now come on up here. And I don't know if we're gonna have a QR code up on the screen here. Yeah, I need you to get that QR code on your phone.
It's up there on the big screen. Would you do that? So I want you to notice it says 21 days of hope here. So starting around March 30th, we are going to be sending you reminders. We're gonna be sending you even some text messages.
And this is how it gets started. You have to go to this site, and then you have to give us your name, your email address, and your telephone number. And please don't get weird about this. Everyone already has your email and telephone number already. Okay?
I mean, your identity has been sold 7,000 times just in the last year. And so God's gonna take care of your identity. Okay? What this is is our entire church for the 21 days leading up to Easter, we're gonna be challenged either via an email or a text. We're gonna be challenged to pray.
We're gonna be challenged to. By pastor. A steak and shake gift card. I'm teasing. You will not be challenged to.
To do that. Okay. But it's gonna be little things and sometimes even more challenging things just to jump in and start fishing. We understand that it's challenging. We understand sometimes you don't know where to begin and you don't know what to do.
So we're trying to make this as easy and painless as possible. But I can't guarantee there's not gonna be any pain because there's gonna be disappointments. You don't know how many people I've invited to church who've never shown up, not even one time. There's one man that over 20 years ago, I wrote down his name on a prayer list of five people that I'm praying for, for salvation, and he's still not there yet. And he still completely rejects Jesus.
And he still completely rejects the idea of an afterlife. And yet I keep calling and texting and befriending. I will never. As long as I live, I will never give up. And even if I die, my words are gonna follow him and chase him.
And I believe my prayers will reel him in. In Jesus name, who can say amen? So would you stand with me? We're going to have the worship team just close with a song or two. We finished with plenty of time You've got lots of time here, so I just want you to think about what your reaction to this message should be.
Robin and I are going to be up here praying. Prayer partners are going to be up here praying. Other pastors are going to be up here praying. If you want to pray with someone, we're here. It doesn't matter what it's for.
But please seriously consider what God would have you to do this Easter. God bless you.