OAG Digital Library
Our online Bible Study library
This is an archive of our Sunday Evening Bible Studies, started at the beginning of the quarantine of 2020, plus a few bonus features and videos. Each regular study is between 15 & 25 minutes long, and features some in-depth looks at many Biblical topics, as well as book walkthroughs. The archive below is in Chronological order, beginning with the most recent.
Some are stand-alone studies, and some are in series.
Use the drop down boxes below to filter by speaker and date, or click the button below the drop-downs for a listing of featured Bible Study series.
- Allen Best 1
- Barbara Findley 1
- Bill Walsh 1
- Billy Rhoads 2
- Brad Lippincott 7
- Brian Henningsen 1
- Chaplain Lou Parker 24
- Dave Jenkins 1
- Gator Fort 1
- Glenda Henningsen 1
- Guest Speaker 2
- Interview 1
- Irene Walsh 1
- Jeannie Davis 1
- Johnnie Powell 1
- Jon Rowell 1
- Kati Anderson 1
- Lee Terry 1
- Linda Abner 1
- Marty McKenna 1
- Matthew Miller 1
- Missionary Nick Krake 1
- Mitzi Terry 1
- Nick Jones 1
- Pastor Adam Goodrich 3
- Pastor Amanda Hahn 6
- Pastor Craig Mustain 1
- Pastor Daniel Hahn 5
- Pastor Derrel Strickland 181
- Pastor Jeff Booth 8
- Pastor Scott Anderson 6
- Renee Mathews 1
- Sherron Miller 1
- Skylar Phillips 1
- January 2025 4
- December 2024 5
- November 2024 4
- October 2024 7
- September 2024 7
- August 2024 4
- July 2024 4
- June 2024 5
- May 2024 4
- April 2024 4
- March 2024 5
- February 2024 4
- January 2024 4
- December 2023 4
- November 2023 4
- October 2023 5
- September 2023 4
- August 2023 4
- July 2023 5
- June 2023 8
- May 2023 5
- April 2023 9
- March 2023 7
- February 2023 6
- January 2023 8
- December 2022 4
- November 2022 4
- October 2022 5
- September 2022 4
- August 2022 4
- July 2022 5
- June 2022 4
- May 2022 5
- April 2022 4
- March 2022 4
- February 2022 4
- January 2022 5
- December 2021 4
- November 2021 4
- October 2021 5
- September 2021 4
- August 2021 5
- July 2021 4
- June 2021 4
- May 2021 5
- April 2021 4
- March 2021 4
- February 2021 4
- January 2021 5
- December 2020 4
- November 2020 5
- October 2020 4
- September 2020 3
- August 2020 5
- July 2020 3
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**TIP - Don’t hit enter. Just type the keyword and it will automatically search as you type. Be patient, sometimes it takes a moment, as there are now a lot of studies here.
Study of Joshua, Part 4
Shortly after Moses' death Joshua told the people get ready. That in three days we are entering in the place of rest. We need to ask ourselves the question: Are we ready to leave? What preparations to we need to make? Let's look and see what we need to do to be ready.
Study of Joshua, Part 3
od told Joshua to be strong and courageous. That sounds easy but sometimes it's not. How can we be strong and courageous? Let's talk about it.
Study of Joshua, Part 2
Joshua is an Old Testament type of Christ. Even the name Joshua is the Hebrew word for Jesus which means "Jehovah is Salvation". Just as Joshua lead Israel out of the desert into the Promised Land, Jesus our savior leads us out of this world into heaven.
Before You Know Me: Billy Rhoads
In this series, we will hear various people in our church family share a little of their story. In today's video, we hear from Billy Rhoads, retired Pastor and church volunteer.
Study of Joshua, Part 1
As we begin a study of the book of Joshua, we find that Joshua was an assistant to Moses from an early age. Moses passed the baton to a man who had been mentored by him for many years. He not only passed the baton he passed the anointing. God was with him.
Before You Know Me: Pastor Jeff
In this series, we will hear various people in our church family share a little of their story. In today's video, we hear from Pastor Jeff, our “new” Music Pastor and newest member of our staff.
The Power of Prayer, Part 2
Living out daily biblical disciplines such as prayer builds our faith and shapes us into a disciple of Jesus.
The Power of Prayer, Part 1
Prayer is an avenue of sweet communion with God that deepens our relationship and grows our understanding of who He is. God invites us to commune with Him, and prayer is the gift He has given to us.
Enough Evidence
Years ago the question was asked, "if you were put on trial for being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you?" That's a great question. What would your answer be? I am thankful that I will not be tried for my good works but for the work of Jesus Christ and what that work accomplished for me. Let's look at it.
Satan’s Web
Have you ever seen someone runs into a spider web and they do the crazy dance, waving their harms trying to get it off? There are many things in life that are like that. Satan is a deceiver and he weaves webs to catch us in. One strand of the web normally doesn't stop us but weaving many together binds us into a strangle hold. Let's talk about Satan's Web.
What Do We Do With An Opportunity
After Peter had been used to heal the lame man at the temple gate he saw an opportunity. What did he do with it? What do we do with an opportunity? Let's look at it.
The Blessings of Olive Oil, Part 3
Your life is like olives and olive oil. A special anointing oil was instituted by God through Moses. The base of this sacred anointing oil was olive oil. That oil represents your gifts and the effect your ministry has on others.
The Blessings of Olive Oil, Part 2
You are a live-giving source of nourishment and hope to the world. What you have inside must come out. The olive must be crushed and beaten to provide the life that is inside. Jesus was crushed and bruised to provide the world salvation. Unfortunately, that needs to happen to us to provide the world with the gifts and talents God has given us.
The Blessings of Olive Oil, Part 1
Christians are portrayed as Olives and Olive trees in the Bible. Most importantly, as gentile Christians, we are grafted into the Olive Tree called the body of Jesus Christ.
Resting In Him
Jesus invited the people to come to him and rest. God encouraged Moses to enter into His rest. David, the man after God's own heart, understood that he could enter into the refuge of God almighty. The invitation is still open. Come unto me and I will give you rest.
The I Am’s of God: Conclusion
There are several "I Am's" of Christ. Many we have memorized. Today let's look at a few of those that may not be as popular but are still very significant.
The I Am’s of God: I Am The Lord and You Are Mine
Isaiah 43 reveals some deep truths and reminds us of who we are. He is the Lord and we are His. The truth of our redemption, our forgiveness, and our protection are all revealed in the chapter as God shows us that "I am the Lord, and you are mine."
The I Am’s of God: I Am The Lord That Heals
We know that God is the healer of our physical illnesses but we must remember he is the healer, the mender, and the restorer of our lives as well.