Can You Hear Me Now?

📜 Title: Can You Hear Me Now?

🗣️ By: Pastor Daniel Hahn

📝 Message Description: Many Christians, even those that have been saved for a long time, struggle to hear God's call. But sometimes we miss the fact that the lost are in need of our help, and their need is the call!

❓ Discussion Questions: 1️⃣ Have you ever had your plans messed up? How about messed up by God? If you’re willing, would you share that with us? 2️⃣ Without naming names or embarrassing anyone, what needs do you see right in your own neighborhood? What can you begin to do to help meet those needs? 3️⃣ Do you ever feel unqualified to do what God has asked you to do? If you’re willing, share that with us. 4️⃣ Do you feel a specific call on your life? What have you done towards fulfilling that calling? 5️⃣ Do you have any stories to share about when you were on God’s mission?


To Timothy, Part 6


To Timothy, Part 5