Study of Isaiah, Part 46
📜 Title: Study of Isaiah, Part 46
🗣️ By: Pastor Derrel Strickland
📝 Message Description: When Jesus walked the earth in human form, His greatest rebuke was not to the most evil people but those that were in leadership. He called them snakes or vipers. God desires all of us, but particularly leaders to not only talk the talk but to walk the walk. Let's each of us determine that we will accept our spiritual responsibilities.
❓ Discussion Questions:
1️⃣ Without naming names, have you ever been hurt by a spiritual leader?
2️⃣ How did you overcome it?
3️⃣ In your opinion does God expect more from leaders than from others? Why or why not?
📖 Scriptures: Isaiah 56:9-12, Isaiah 57:1-2, Isaiah 57:3-12, Ezekiel 34:1-10, Hebrews 10:26-31