OAG Digital Library

Our online Bible Study library

This is an archive of our Sunday Evening Bible Studies, started at the beginning of the quarantine of 2020, plus a few bonus features and videos. Each regular study is between 15 & 25 minutes long, and features some in-depth looks at many Biblical topics, as well as book walkthroughs. The archive below is in Chronological order, beginning with the most recent.

Some are stand-alone studies, and some are in series.

Use the drop down boxes below to filter by speaker and date, or click the button below the drop-downs for a listing of featured Bible Study series.

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**TIP - Don’t hit enter. Just type the keyword and it will automatically search as you type. Be patient, sometimes it takes a moment, as there are now a lot of studies here.

Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn

Study of Isaiah, Part 55

After reminding us that the Church is the bride of Christ, Isaiah issues a challenge and some great words of encouragement. The challenge is to fulfill the Great Commission and help others get to heaven. The encouragement is that God is watching over us and is there to empower us for that ministry.

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Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn

Study of Isaiah, Part 54

After reminding us that the Church is the bride of Christ, Isaiah issues a challenge and some great words of encouragement. The challenge is to fulfill the Great Commission and help others get to heaven. The encouragement is that God is watching over us and is there to empower us for that ministry.

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Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn

Study of Isaiah, Part 47

Isaiah addressed a people that were doing religious things--even fasting--yet they were not trusting nor believing. Both are key elements in a Godly life. God is looking for a contrite heart. What is a contrite heart? A broken heart. God is still looking for broken people to use to build His church.

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