Study of Isaiah, Part 14

📜 Title: Study of Isaiah, Part 14

🗣️ By: Pastor Derrel Strickland

📝 Message Description: In the midst of the warnings to the nation of Israel for their backsliding, Isaiah reminds them of the future. That a branch would shoot forth out of the stump of Jesse and would be a place of refuge for them.

Discussion Questions:

1️⃣ How would you describe the cross as being a banner or a flag for Christians?

2️⃣ Share with us your thoughts on the banner raised by Aaron and Hur and the significance of the flag being raised.

3️⃣ How is Jesus our Good Shepherd?

📖 Scriptures: Isaiah 10:33-34, Daniel 4:13-15, Isaiah 11:1-9, Ezekiel 34:17-24, Isaiah 11:10-11, Ezekiel 17:8-15, Numbers 21:6-9, John 3:10-15


Study of Isaiah, Part 15


Study of Isaiah, Part 13