Bags of Gold

📜 Title: Bags of Gold

🗣️ By: Pastor Daniel Hahn

📝 Message Description: Jesus loved to teach about Heaven using stories to illustrate his point. The parable of the talents can teach us several valuable lessons. Let's take a look together.

Discussion Questions: 1️⃣ Are you currently serving in ministry? If so, what ministry, and how has it blessed you over the years? If not, why? 2️⃣ Do you ever feel like you are unqualified to do what God has placed on your heart? Let's have an honest discussion about it. 3️⃣ Does it bother you that the servants were given different amounts of gold or talents to work with? Share your thoughts. 4️⃣ When you stand before God, do you think you can say with a clear heart that you did everything you could to share the Gospel?

📖 Scriptures: Mathew 25:14-29, John 9:4, Hebrews 13:20-21, 1 Peter 4:10


Warnings and Admonitions From Jesus


Meanwhile Here On Earth