Sunday Messages Archives 

Here you will find nearly a decade worth of Sunday messages. They are in reverse chronological order starting with the most recent.

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Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn

It’s Beginning To Rain

The sermon focuses on the concept of "living water" and the importance of faith in receiving it, drawing parallels to the story of Jesus offering living water to the woman at the well, and encourages believers to seek the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, likening it to the latter rain that brings spiritual harvest, emphasizing the need for salvation and spiritual empowerment in the midst of challenges.

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Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn

Play It Where The Monkey Drops It

In his sermon, Pastor Strickland uses the peculiar rule at a golf course in Calcutta—where players must play the ball where monkeys drop it—to draw a parallel to life's unexpected challenges, emphasizing the importance of resilience and faith. He intertwines the biblical story of Joseph, highlighting how maintaining integrity and trust in God during trials can lead to divine fulfillment and purpose.

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Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn

God’s View vs. Man’s View

In his sermon, Pastor Strickland emphasizes the importance of viewing life from God's perspective rather than solely from a human viewpoint, using biblical examples like Peter and David to illustrate how divine perspective can transform our understanding and reactions to life's challenges. He encourages believers to adopt this heavenly viewpoint to see beyond earthly fears and understand God's broader plan for our lives.

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Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn

Jesus Is Lord

Pastor Strickland's sermon emphasizes the profound truth that Jesus is Lord, using Peter's transformation and bold proclamation at Pentecost as a central example. He encourages believers to recognize Jesus's authority and divinity, backed by scriptural evidence and personal conviction.

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