Sunday Messages Archives 

Here you will find nearly a decade worth of Sunday messages. They are in reverse chronological order starting with the most recent.

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Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn

Jesus Is Lord

Pastor Strickland's sermon emphasizes the profound truth that Jesus is Lord, using Peter's transformation and bold proclamation at Pentecost as a central example. He encourages believers to recognize Jesus's authority and divinity, backed by scriptural evidence and personal conviction.

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Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn

The Beginning of the End

There are so many truths that we can receive in the story of the resurrection of Lazarus, but one of the greatest truths is it was the beginning of the end. Everything had to be in place in order for the timing of Jesus death, burial and resurrection could be accomplished. The clock had already been ticking but this great miracle aligned the events up to fulfill the greatest miracle the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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