Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

🗣️ Speaker: Pastor Derrel Strickland

In this week's message, Pastor Strickland reflects on the role of God as our shepherd, inspired by the stories of biblical figures like Jacob, Joseph, and David. He draws a comparison to a nursery rhyme question, "Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?" to illustrate the challenges and fears we face in life. Pastor reminds us that just as these individuals were shepherded by God's grace and protection through trials and threats, we too need not fear the metaphorical "big bad wolf" in our lives today. Whether it's fears of the future, the burden of past mistakes, or the wolves of life that nip at our heels, our faith and trust in God as our ultimate shepherd can guide us through. His key message serves as a call to trust in God, forgive past wrongs, and embrace the security found in divine guidance: Our Shepherd is always with us, providing strength and protection.

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In the journey of faith, understanding the role of God as our shepherd is fundamental to building trust and overcoming fear. It is central to our identity and purpose as believers. As we explore the significance of the shepherd concept, we delve into the powerful words of Jacob, a patriarch who recognized God as the shepherd of his life, ultimately guiding us towards understanding the shepherd's care and how it relates to our fears and challenges today.

The Shepherd Concept

The concept of God as our shepherd is vividly illustrated in the unfolding story of Jacob from the book of Genesis. In Genesis 48:15-16, Jacob blesses his son Joseph, declaring that the God who shepherded him throughout his life will also bless Joseph and his children. Jacob’s name transformation from to highlights a profound spiritual journey; he embraced God’s protection and guidance through all life’s adversities.

Facing the Big Bad Wolf

The analogy of facing fears is powerful. Just as the nursery rhyme asks, "Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?" we are prompted to consider our own fears, whether they manifest as external threats or internal anxieties. It’s easy to feel intimidated by challenges such as financial uncertainty, personal relationships, or unforeseen circumstances. However, God, as the shepherd, assures us that we do not need to be afraid of adversaries symbolized as wolves, lions, or any form of danger, as He is more powerful than any threat we may encounter.

Understanding the Enemy

In Scripture, we see that Satan is often depicted as a roaring lion seeking to devour. However, believers are reassured that they have a shepherd who stands stronger than any foe. Paul warns about wolves in sheep's clothing in Acts 20, emphasizing the need for vigilance and awareness among believers. While dangers may surround us, faith in our shepherd shields us from ultimate harm.

Joseph's Example

Joseph’s journey is a compelling narrative of enduring faith under hardship. From being sold into slavery to rising to power in Egypt, he exemplified steadfastness in the face of trials. His story highlights how God’s shepherding leads to restoration and fruitfulness—even in lands of affliction. God allowed Joseph to forget his hardships, enabling him to forgive and grow, a crucial step for anyone burdened by the past.

The Power of Forgiveness

The importance of forgiveness cannot be overlooked. Just as God enabled Joseph to forgive his brothers, believers today are encouraged to release past grievances. The act of forgiving not only liberates individuals from bitterness but also opens avenues for forward movement in life and relationships. When we allow God to shepherd our hearts, we can bring healing to past wounds.

The Good Shepherd

In John 10, Jesus declares Himself as the Good Shepherd, emphasizing His role as protector and guide. His sacrificial love propels believers to take courage amid trials. The assurance that nothing can separate us from His love equips us to face fears head-on. The shepherd leads us through valleys, granting comfort and encouragement, making it clear that our spiritual well-being is utmost.


As illustrated in the narratives of Jacob, Joseph, and David, the consistent theme is one of reliance on God’s shepherding. In a world filled with uncertainties and challenges, we have assurance that the shepherd walks beside us. We can indeed respond to the question, "Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?" with confidence—knowing that our shepherd, mighty and powerful, guides us through every battle.

A Call to Trust

Ultimately, it is vital for believers to surrender their fears, seek forgiveness, and remember their identity in Christ. Presenting our anxieties to God allows us to experience His peace that surpasses understanding. As we trust in the Lord, the challenges become less intimidating and the shepherd's presence becomes our greatest comfort. In doing so, we embrace the purpose He has for our lives, moving forward with faith and courage.


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