The I Am’s of God: I Am The God of the Living

📜 Title: The I Am’s of God - I Am The God of the Living

🗣️ By: Pastor Derrel Strickland

📝 Message Description: Scripture tells us that God is the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. Jesus tells us God is the God of the living not the God of the dead. The truth of the resurrection started being told in the very beginning of the Bible. Think about it: the Almighty God is the God of the living because Jesus died and rose again and so shall we!

Discussion Questions:

  1. What does the phrase "the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob mean to you?"

  2. Share with us your thoughts on the importance of the resurrection of the dead.

📖 Scriptures: Exodus 3:6, Exodus 3:14-16, Matthew 22:23, Matthew 22:31-33, Mark 12:24-27, Luke 20:37-38, Acts 3:13-16, Acts 7:30-34


The I Am’s of God: I Am The Lord


The I Am’s of God: I Am Who I Am