Featured Series

Study of Joshua
Embark on a journey with Joshua and the Israelites as they enter the Promised Land, a land flowing with milk and honey. We'll witness their triumphs and struggles as they conquer Jericho, divide the land, and face challenges along the way. Discover how God's faithfulness and power guide his people towards a new beginning, reminding us of His promises to us today.
This is a walkthrough of the Book of Joshua, by Pastor Strickland.

The I Am’s of God
In this comprehensive series, Pastor Strickland will take us on a journey through the entire Bible, uncovering most instances where God declares "I am..." - statements that reveal His character, nature, and intentions. With each passage, Pastor Strickland will dive into the meaning and significance of these declarations, exploring how they relate to our lives today and what we can learn from them about who God is and what He desires for us. Through this series, we will gain a deeper understanding of God's character, His plans, and His heart for humanity, as well as practical wisdom on how to apply these truths to their everyday experiences.

Study of Isaiah
The Book of Isaiah is one of the richest and most intricate book in the Bible. Because much of it is prophecy, it is often avoided or passed-over. But it is hugely important.
In the book of Isaiah (and in the whole Christian story), we are introduced to the idea that God is the ultimate judge of the world. God is the only one with authority to declare what is right and what is wrong in our world. We are also introduced to the idea that God is our savior – that God plans to redeem and restore a broken universe. These two ideas go hand-in-hand. They depend on each other. God is both the judge and the savior. This means that God has a plan to make all things right in the end, and that a necessary part of that process is declaring what is not yet right. This is the message of Isaiah the prophet. The judgment of God declares what is broken; the promise of God is to heal.
Join Pastor Strickland has he journeys through the book of Isaiah with us.

The Blessed Life
God desires us to have a blessed life. What does blessings mean? Unlike what so many preachers today tell us, God does not simply shower down blessings on us because we are “Christians”. In fact, it’s quite the opposite.
The truth is that a blessed life is a Godly life, a life of God’s favor and not necessarily material things. Our choices will often dictate whether or not we are blessed, or we are cursed.
Join Pastor Strickland as we find out from God’s Word how to have a blessed life.

How To Find That Which Is Lost
The concept is simple enough: If you lose something, start by searching where you lost it. But there are many people today roaming around looking for something, but they are too distracted or hurt by their circumstances to truly search for what’s missing.
Join Pastor Strickland for a refresher course on recovering our lost joy, peace, love, and fellowship.

Spiritual Checkup
Just like our physical bodies, our spiritual “bodies” need to be healthy. But how do we know if it is? Well, that’s why we need a Spiritual Checkup from time to time.
Join Pastor Strickland for a thorough examination of our spiritual bodies.

Loving Our Neighbor
In this day and age when politics, media outlets, and social media are doing their best to divide us, more than ever, we as Christians must choose to follow Jesus’ instruction to love our neighbor.
But what does that mean? Who is our neighbor? How do we do that? Join Pastor Strickland as we take a look at the Word and find out.

To Timothy
Paul had several sons in the faith; one of those was Timothy. Paul addressed two letters to this son and encouraged him to continue in the faith even when things were not going well. Life has many ups and downs, but God is with us through them all.

Study of the Book of James
The Book of James was written by who we believe is the half-brother of Jesus. During Jesus’ earthly ministry, James did not believe Jesus was who he said he was. But at some point, James became a believer. In fact, James became the Pastor of what might have been the very first church: the church at Jerusalem.
The Book of James was written by Pastor James with a Pastor’s heart. Some call it the Proverbs of the New Testament because it is full of short but simple and practical instructions to early believers, both at home in Jerusalem, and to those dispersed further away because of persecution. Join Pastor Strickland as he dives into a study of the Book of James.