Study of Isaiah, Part 28

📜 Title: Study of Isaiah, Part 28

🗣️ By: Pastor Derrel Strickland

📝 Message Description: Isaiah has been sharing not only about the time he was living in, but also the near future and the distant future. He lays out the facts as if ready to present to a jury for them to make the decision. The NLT says in 41:1, "the court is ready for your case." What is your verdict?

Discussion Questions:
1️⃣ Share with us some Scriptural facts that are indisputable evidence that God is who He says he is.
2️⃣ What was the only charge against Jesus? Was it doing good, healing the sick, even raising the dead.?
3️⃣ Was he able to provide proof?

📖 Scriptures: Isaiah 41:1, Isaiah 1:18, John 20:30-31, Isaiah 41, Isaiah 45:1, Ezra 1:1


Before You Know Me: Jeannie Davis


Study of Isaiah, Part 27