Study of Isaiah, Part 26

📜 Title: Study of Isaiah, Part 26

🗣️ By: Pastor Derrel Strickland

📝 Message Description: Isaiah uses the language of farming to depict the various seasons. The bible tells that everything has a season. We are in the season of planting and harvest but it appears that this season is about to come to a close and then the season of judgment.

Discussion Questions:
1️⃣ Share with us some of the seasons that you have been through.
2️⃣ What season do you think the world is in right now?
3️⃣ What are some things that you think you need to accomplish in this season?

📖 Scriptures: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, Isaiah 28:23-29, Psalms 104:1-4, Psalms 104:16-19, Titus 1:2-3, Titus 3:14


Before You Know Me: Brian and Glenda Henningsen


Study of Isaiah, Part 25