Sunday Messages Archives 

Here you will find nearly a decade worth of Sunday messages. They are in reverse chronological order starting with the most recent.

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Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn

The Beginning of the End

There are so many truths that we can receive in the story of the resurrection of Lazarus, but one of the greatest truths is it was the beginning of the end. Everything had to be in place in order for the timing of Jesus death, burial and resurrection could be accomplished. The clock had already been ticking but this great miracle aligned the events up to fulfill the greatest miracle the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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Pastor Amanda Hahn Daniel Hahn Pastor Amanda Hahn Daniel Hahn

Broken Together

Have you ever experienced suffering and brokenness and didn't know what to do? As we look at the life of Job, we will see that God doesn't always cause suffering, but rather He allows it. It's through suffering our faith is tested and we can bring our brokenness to Him to make something new and better!

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Pastor Scott Anderson Daniel Hahn Pastor Scott Anderson Daniel Hahn

The Thief Got It!

The atmosphere around the three crosses is divided. The Roman officials and the general public are watching Jesus get what they believed He deserved, and at the same time, Mary, the mother of Jesus, is watching as her heart is pierced. In the midst of the turmoil that day, there is one person that got it! As we'll discover, we all have many things in common with this one person, and our response needs to be the same.

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Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn Pastor Derrel Strickland Daniel Hahn

He Will Do It!

Paul's letters to the church of Thessalonians was full of faith, hope and love and words of encouragement to stand firm and do the work of the ministry. The rapture is coming but until that time keep planting, watering and reaping for the harvest is great.

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