Special Online Only Presentation

Hello everyone! Today is going to be a little different. Our choir is presenting the 2022 Easter Cantata today, but because of copyright, we cannot live-stream the cantata. So today, we are featuring a short presentation just for the online experience. Following an opening song or two and the video announcements, we will give you a brief walkthrough of our facilities, including our church lobby and children’s area, hosted by Pastor Daniel and Deborah, one of our awesome teens. And then after that, we will air a replay of one of Pastor Strickland’s now famous illustrated monologues, entitled “What Is Your Sanhedrin” originally presented live on April 16, 2017, featuring a special visit from Nicodemus. The video quality is not quite as good on the monologue, as it was recorded years ago before we got our new video cameras. But we hope you enjoy this replay.

Tip: At the bottom right of the video is a button with 3 lines on it. That’s the chapters button. Click that to see shortcuts to jump to specific portions of the video.


The Value of the Empty Tomb


What Is Your God Like?