Dinner With Jesus

Speaker: Pastor Amanda Hahn

Scriptures: Luke 5:27-32, Luke 9:23, Luke 19:10, Acts 2:42, Revelation 3:20

Summary: The concept of fellowship is not lost on everyday churchgoers as we like to eat! But we often limit our fellowship to just church functions and with very close friends. We see in Scripture that Jesus ate his way through the Gospels. He used private meals to share important life lessons and more often than not, He dined with sinners! There’s just something about inviting people over to our home, so they see that we are authentic Christians, living crazy lives filled with many “chores” but dinner shouldn’t be one of them. Dinner should be an opportunity to fellowship with believers and unbelievers alike. And you just never know, we may be the only Jesus they’ll ever meet! So who are you going to invite over to have dinner with Jesus?

Below is the audio version of this message. You can listen to it here or use a podcast app to subscribe.


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