Spiritual Checkup, Part 4

📜 Title: Spiritual Checkup, Part 4 - How’s Your Thinking?

🗣️ By: Pastor Derrel Strickland

📝 Message Description: Stinking thinking will destroy you! We have been given the mind of Christ. God encourages us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. How is your thinking?

❓ Discussion Questions: 1️⃣ Share with us a time that you allowed your stinking thinking to drag you down. 2️⃣ What is something you meditate on that helps you stay positive? 3️⃣ Let's talk about a time when you were thinking about others and forgot about your personal problems.

📖 Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 2:10-16, Romans 12:1-3, Romans 12:12-21, Psalms 63:5-8, Philippians 4:4-9


Spiritual Checkup, Part 5


Spiritual Checkup, Part 3